Business Overview


As a public service provider, the Housing Society is committed to providing
quality services to all our residents. To achieve this goal, we maintain
a professional team that serves our residents with care,
empathy and professionalism.

Serving 123,900 residents in rental estates and managed properties

Making Property Management More Sustainable

IoT sensors installed at 11 rental estates to identify abnormal pressures on water pipes

Wet floor sensors to be installed at all 20 rental estates and other elderly housing projects

HK$119 million committed for 70 major improvement programmes at rental estates

Caring for Our Tenants

>HK$12 million rent assistance to 910 households

CES (Caring, Engaging and Smart) Team

663 tenant volunteers and nearly 400 collaborating partners
Handled nearly 2,000 cases and referrals
Offered regular support to 915 elderly households
Scholarships awarded to 106 students from rental estates since 2014

Commercial Property Management

Average occupancy rate >98%