Page 56 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 56
The COVID-19 pandemic posed tremendous challenges to the Housing Society in the past year. As a responsible employer, we have implemented office measures to ensure our staff’s well-being is well taken care of. Apart from regular cleaning and disinfection at our facilities and offices, we have also implemented special work arrangements. For instance, staff members were allowed to work from home and attend office under flexible hours. In addition, sufficient anti-pandemic supplies were provided to our frontline employees who held fast to their posts during the harshest of times.
過去一年,2019冠狀病毒病疫情為房協帶 來不少挑戰。作為負責任的僱主,我們採取 各項辦公室措施,確保員工健康得到妥善照 顧。除定期清潔及消毒房協的設施及辦公室 外,我們亦作出了特別工作安排。例如,我 們允許員工在家工作及彈性時間上班等。此 外,我們為在這最艱難時期堅守崗位的前線 員工提供充足的防疫物資。
Case study 案例分享
H S W e l l n e s s C a m p a i g n 「 房 協 健 康 之 旅 」活 動
The Housing Society has always placed a heavy emphasis on the all-round physical, psychological and mental wellness of our staff members through a wide range of activities under four distinctive themes: Health, Safety, Care and Fitness. In 2020, we launched “HS Wellness”, a wellness flagship programme for our staff members with a series of initiatives.
房協一向重視員工的身心健康,定期就健康、職安、關愛及體魄四個主題舉辦多項活動。二零二零年,我們推出「房協健康 之旅」旗艦健康項目,並舉辦了一系列活動。
Wellness tips 健康貼士
We shared wellness tips of healthy lifestyles and positive attitude with our staff members through intranet page “HS Wellness” and staff newsletters to enhance their awareness on the importance of physical and mental wellbeing.
我們透過特別設計的「房協健康」內聯網及員工通訊,與員工分享健康 的生活方式和積極的態度,讓他們認識到身心健康的重要性。
Fitness Friday 週五健身日
To create a healthy work environment and boost team morale, we invited key opinion leaders from sports, media and public relations sectors to share their real- life experiences with tips on positive thinking during the pandemic.
為創造健康的工作環境,提升團隊士氣,我們邀請了體 育、傳媒及公關領域的關鍵意見領袖分享他們在疫情期間 的自身經歷和正面思維的心得。