Page 58 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 58
Occupational health and safety ("OHS") is of significant importance to the Housing Society as a healthy and productive workforce serves as the foundation of our operations. Our established OHS policies provide guidance on preventing work- related hazards and minimising associated risks of employees at our offices, construction sites and managed properties. All necessary OHS information and instructions are conveyed to staff members through trainings and regular communication channels. At the same time, supervision is provided promptly to ensure all employees’ safety and wellness at work.
Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Our Health and Safety Management System (“SMS”), which is established based on the corporate health and safety policy, sets out the framework for our staff members at all levels to work together and achieve health and safety targets. We regularly review and assess the SMS to ensure effective implementation. In 2020, our Property Management Division completed an audit for its Integrated Management System in compliance with the certificate requirements of the new standard of ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety), which puts more focus on employee participation and consultation, risks and opportunities identification, as well as health and safety consideration for all stakeholders.
The Housing Society’s Safety Organisation
職 業 健 康 及 安 全(「 職 安 健 」)對 房 協 來 說 極 為 重要,因為健康及高效率的員工團隊是我們 營運的基礎。我們建立了職安健政策,為員 工提供具體指引以預防日常工作時發生危險 事故,從而降低員工於辦公室、建築地盤及 管理物業中的安全風險。房協透過安排培訓 和定期溝通渠道,向員工傳達所有必要的職 安健信息和指引。與此同時,房協透過及時 監督確保所有員工在工作時的安全和健康。
房協根據企業健康及安全政策設立了健康與 安全管理系統,以制定框架予各職級的員工 共同實踐職安健目標。我們會定期檢討及評 估管理系統,以確保其有效實施。二零二零 年,物業管理部按照ISO 45001:2018(職業 健康及安全)新標準的證書要求,完成了綜合 管理系統的審核,加強了員工參與及諮詢、 風險和機會識別以及對所有持份者的健康和 安全考慮。
Top Management
Safety Committee for Property Management Division 物業管理部安全委員會
Safety Committee for General Offices 總辦事處安全管理委員會