Page 59 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 59
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度可持續發展報告
Prevention and hazard analysis are the prerequisites of an effective safety management system. Our Safety Committees across different divisions are responsible for ongoing hazard identification and risk assessment for routine and non-routine activities. The identified risks will be incorporated in a register that is maintained and updated regularly. The register serves to inform our management and staff members the potential risks in the workplace, as well as to communicate the changes of workflow at our workplace and facilities.
If risks are identified with significant implications to health and safety, appropriate procedures will be implemented to prevent, minimise and manage those hazards and risks. Safety-related policies and manuals are available on the staff intranet for review at any time.
Our Safety Committees also play the role of planning and initiating OHS awareness-raising measures within the Housing Society. In the reporting year, the Committees in General Offices and Property Management Division arranged staff visits, training programmes and OHS slogan competitions to deepen staff understanding of the topic.
Construction Sites
With the relatively high OHS risks at construction sites, we put health and safety at the forefront of our project management process. The Projects Division closely monitors the safety- related issues of all projects under construction. It requires all our contractors to comply with applicable laws and regulations on OHS. Once incidents are reported, site contractors must identify the corresponding high-risk areas and implement mitigation measures immediately under the supervision of our site and consultants' representatives.
In 2020/21, seven independent site safety audits were undertaken by the Occupational Safety and Health Council for evaluating site contractors’ safety performance systematically and identify imminent risks for rectification and improvement. We have also organised 13 site safety workshops, 15 risk management workshops and seven integrity workshops to enhance safety and health awareness of workers and management staff.
預防和危害分析是有效安全管理系統的先決 條件。各部門的安全委員會負責檢視恆常和 非恆常活動中有可能出現的危害,以及評估 相關事故會為員工或持份者帶來的潛在風 險。相關人員會保存和定期更新職安健危害 識別及風險評估總表,列入已識別的風險, 以供管理層及員工參考,並傳達工作場所及 設施的工作流程變更。
一旦發現對健康和安全有重大影響的風險, 我們會採取合適措施以預防、減少和管理有 關危害及風險。員工可隨時在內聯網查閱與 安全相關的政策和工作指引。
安全委員會亦負責策劃及推行提高房協員工 職安健意識的措施。於報告期內,總辦事處 及物業管理部轄下的委員會安排員工參觀、 培訓活動及職安健標語比賽,以加深員工對 職安健的認識。
由於建築地盤的職安健風險相對較高,我們 會在項目管理過程中首要考慮健康及安全事 項。工程策劃部密切監察所有在建項目的安 全事宜,並要求所有承建商嚴格遵守適用的 職安健法規。當有意外發生時,承建商必須 確定相應的高風險範圍,並在房協及設計顧 問的地盤代表人員監督下立即採取緩解措施。
二零二零╱二一年度,職業安全健康局進行 了七次獨立的地盤安全審查,系統性地評估 地盤承建商的安全表現,並找出迫切的風 險,以作糾正和改善。我們亦舉辦了十三場 地盤安全工作坊、十五場風險管理工作坊及 七場誠信工作坊,以提高工人及管理人員的 安全及健康意識。