Page 60 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society 2020/21 可持續發展報告 Sustainability Report
P. 60
A safety incentive scheme was put in place to reward construction safety practices on site. Under the scheme, site workers with good safety practices are presented with awards as a form of incentive and recognition. The overall accident rate at our construction sites was 3.6 per thousand workers in the reporting year.
Managed Properties and Offices
The Health and Safety Management System of the Property Management Division obtained the latest ISO 45001:2018 certifications this reporting year, demonstrating the Division’s commitment to OHS. The Division’s Safety Committee holds quarterly meetings to discuss OHS issues with the site representatives at different levels of our rental estates and managed properties. In case of any safety incidents, on-site operational representatives are required to report immediately to the estate-in-charge. Investigations will be carried out by safety supervisors of the sites in accordance with established Accident or Incident Investigation Procedures with appropriate follow-up actions. Based on accident reports submitted by site safety supervisors, as well as the latest industry safety standards and legal requirements, we regularly assess and review identifiable risks in our property management operations to ensure proper procedures are in place to minimise the occurrence of accidents.
At our offices, the Safety Committee for General Offices coordinates various OHS initiatives for all staff members, including routine safety inspections, work environment monitoring (e.g. indoor illumination and ambient measurement), as well as staff engagement activities to raise awareness of the importance of a safe and healthy work environment.
房協推行安全獎勵計劃,鼓勵在地盤採取建 築安全措施,向安全表現良好的地盤工人頒 發獎項以作獎勵和嘉許。報告期內,房協建 築地盤的千人意外率為三點六。
物業管理部的職安健管理系統於本年度獲得 最新的ISO 45001:2018 認證,顯示該部門對 職安健的承諾。該部門的安全委員會每季度 會面一次,與來自各個出租屋邨及代管物業 的代表人員共同商討職安健議題。一旦發生 任何安全事故,現場的工作人員會立即向該 物業的屋邨主管匯報。安全督導員將根據《意 外或事故調查程序》開展調查及其他後續跟 進行動。根據安全督導員提交的事故調查報 告,以及最新的行業安全標準和法例要求, 我們會定期評估及檢視在物業管理上可識別 的安全風險,確保我們實施合適的程序以避 免事故發生。
在辦公室內,總辦事處安全管理委員會負責 協調員工的職安健措施和相關事宜,包括辦 公室的恆常安全檢查、工作環境監測(如室內 照明和環境測量)以及舉辦不同活動予員工參 加,提高員工對安全及健康工作環境的認識。