Page 5 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
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            Over the past 75 years, the Housing Society has steadfastly   七十五載以來,房協一直肩負社會責任,擔
            upheld its social responsibility, performing the role of “housing   當香港「房屋實驗室」的角色,透過開拓不同
            laboratory” of Hong Kong. Through trying out various housing   的房屋計劃,回應市民的住屋需要,並創造
            initiatives, we have addressed the housing needs of the public   跨代共融的永續宜居社區。房協在這基礎上
            and created liveable communities for sustainable living of   再進一步,由跨部門組成的可持續發展工作
            multi-generations. To further this vision, our cross-divisional   小組,在總監會議的領導下並得到執行委員
            Sustainability Working Group (“SWG”), under the leadership   會通過,於報告年度內制訂了可持續發展框
            of Directors Meeting and with the approval of the Executive   架及三大策略支柱  —  「可持續居所」、「低碳
            Committee, has formulated a comprehensive sustainability    轉型」及「裝備未來」。
            framework  during  the  reporting  year.  The  framework
            encompasses three strategic pillars – “Sustainable Homes”,
            “Low-carbon Transformation”, and “Future-fit Capabilities”.

            In response to the ageing population in Hong Kong, we actively   面對香港長者人口持續增加,我們積極提倡
            advocate and promote age-friendly communities as well as    及促進長者友善社區和跨代共融計劃。其
            intergenerational solidarity. Our estate redevelopment project   中,我們位於筲箕灣的明華大廈重建項目,
            Ming Wah Dai Ha in Shau Kei Wan is the first demonstration   便為這個目標作出了示範,其「綜合重建模
            of such a goal by adopting the “integrated redevelopment    式」將三種不同房屋類型集合在同一地塊上,
            model” that provides three types of housing on the same site,   包括出租屋邨、資助出售房屋及「長者安居
            including rental estates, subsidised sale flats, and units of the   樂」單位。當中的設施更會配合不同年齡、不
            “Senior Citizen Residences Scheme”. Facilities are designed to   同能力的居民的需要,以推動共融和鄰里關
            cater for the needs of residents of different ages and abilities,   係。明華大廈第一期重建喜獲多個國際和本
            promoting inclusion and neighbourly relations. The first phase   地獎項,表揚我們致力提供優質房屋和促進
            of this redevelopment project was presented with multiple   以社區為本的「跨代生活」概念。我們將繼續
            international and local accolades, recognising our dedication in   積極探索更多創新方案,推動跨代互動,為
            providing quality housing and exemplifying a community-based   市民營造更愜意的生活環境。
            “intergenerational living” concept. We endeavour to explore more
            innovative solutions to promote intergenerational interactions so
            as to cultivate a better living environment for all people.

            With our unwavering commitment to low-carbon transformation,   為了實現低碳轉型的目標,我們於物業管理
            we have integrated cutting-edge technologies into our property   和房屋發展的工作中均採用創新科技。我們
            management operations and housing development. Our efforts   在減少碳足跡和緩解氣候變化方面所作的努
            to reduce carbon footprints and mitigate climate-related    力更獲得業界認可。在物業管理方面,房協
            impacts have been acknowledged by the industry. For property   致力引入智能物業管理系統的應用,並積極
            management operations, we are committed to promoting        透過推行節能及可再生能源措施減少溫室氣
            the application of smart building management and actively   體排放。另外,為提升建築項目的安全及環
            implementing energy-saving and renewable energy measures to   保表現,以及管理效率,我們採用了創新技
            reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, to improve   術,例如「組裝合成」建築法、「建築信息模
            the site safety, environmental performance and management   擬」及機械人操作等。在報告年度內,我們位
            efficiency of our construction projects, we have adopted    於洪水橋╱厦村新發展區首個以混凝土「組
            innovative techniques such as Modular Integrated Construction   裝合成」建築法建造的資助出售房屋項目,以
            (“MiC”), Building Information Modelling (“BIM”) and robotic   及以鋼製「組裝合成」建築法興建的長者房屋
            operations. During the reporting year, we have completed the first   松悅樓,均順利落成。截至二零二四年三月
            Subsidised Sale Flats Project built with concrete MiC in Hung Shui   三十一日,共有二十四個房協發展的項目獲

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