Page 9 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
P. 9


            24   *  residential projects have been                      Some 20 projects in the pipeline, and
                                                                        the flat production in the coming 5 years
                    certificated by The Building
            Environmental Assessment Method                             exceeds
            (“BEAM”) or BEAM Plus for New Buildings                     正在籌建 20 多個項目,包括未來5年提供超過
           「綠建環評」(新建建築)認證                                               17,000

            *  including provisional and final                          subsidised units

            The year-on-year total energy consumption       The year-on-year greenhouse gas
            of our rental residential properties, managed   emissions intensity of our major offices
            properties, projects under construction         房協主要辦事處的温室氣體排放強度按年
            and major offices
            房協出租住宅物業、代管物業、                    15%                  32%

            In 2023/24, recycled a total of                             Invested over
            在二零二三╱二四年回收了共計                                              於報告年度內,投入超過
            11,998         tonnes                                       HK$         million
                                                                        港元1.5 百萬
            of waste, including metals, papers,                         in financial and promotional support to
            plastics, glass, timber and textiles                        industry partners, academic institutions,
            廢物,包括金屬、廢紙、塑膠、玻璃、木材                                         philanthropic organisations, and green
            和紡織物料                                                       groups during the reporting year

            Since 2006, over                     Provided a total of           Offered internship opportunities to
            自二零零六年,「房協獎助學金計劃」                    向員工共提供                        向
            已向修讀房屋或長者護理相關學科的                                   #  hours        86    secondary and tertiary
            學生,頒授獎助學金超過                          37,805          小時                  students who aspire to
            HK$           million                of training and               pursue a career in housing and
            港元10.7 百萬                                                          related fields
                                                 development to staff
            has been awarded to housing and      的培訓及發展課程                      名有志於從事房屋管理,及相關領域
            elderly-care students through                                      工作的大專生及中學生提供實習機會
            the Hong Kong Housing Society        #  for permanent and contract staff
            Awards                                  適用於長期及固定任期員工

 PB                                             Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24   香港房屋協會 2023/24 可持續發展報告  7
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