Page 72 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
P. 72

Cleansing truck wheels before leaving the site  Wastewater treatment plant
                     車輛離開工地前清洗車輪                                廢水處理設施

            Wastewater generation is inevitable in our construction     建築活動難以避免產生廢水。我們已推行有
            activities. We have implemented effective measures to       效的措施,將回收的廢水在排放前用於清
            recycle wastewater specifically for cleansing construction   洗建築車輛輪胎。這項措施有助降低建築
            vehicle wheels before discharge. This practice reduces water   工地的用水量,同時確保車輛的行駛安全和
            consumption at our construction sites and ensures the safety   效益,更能防止污染物擴散至公共區域。此
            and efficiency of the trucks by removing dirt and debris, and   外,廢水會經我們的廢水處理設施徹底處理
            prevents the spread of potential contaminants onto public   後排放,以防止水污染,並確保其對水循環
            areas. In addition, wastewater generated undergoes thorough   系統的影響降至最低。
            treatment in our wastewater treatment plant before being
            discharged, which can prevent water pollution and minimise
            impact to the hydrological environment.

            Grey water system is also implemented at Anderson Road Quarry   安達臣道石礦場用地項目現場亦有實施中水
            Site, where wastewater collected from baths, showers, wash   系統,回收從浴缸、淋浴間、洗手盆、廚房
            basins, kitchen sinks and laundry machines is recycled for toilet   水槽和洗衣機收集的廢水,經水務署的中水
            flushing purposes after treatment by WSD treatment plants.  處理設施處理後作沖廁用途。

            On the other hand, we have incorporated water reduction     此外,我們已在發展項目設計中納入節水考
            considerations in our development project design. The zero   量。我們在安達臣道石礦場用地項目和啟德
            irrigation system is adopted for selective planters at Anderson   第1E區1號用地項目中的部分花槽採用零灌
            Road Quarry Site and Kai Tak Area 1E Site 1 project. Rainwater   溉系統。雨水會被收集到花槽下方的儲水
            is collected through the planters underneath water retention   箱,當上方的栽植土壤變得乾燥時,儲水箱
            boxes. When the planter soil above dries, capillary action draws   的雨水會透過毛細管作用被向上抽取,以作
            up water from the retention boxes to irrigate the plants in a   植物灌溉,達致自給自足的循環,從而節省
            self-sustaining cycle, thereby saving fresh water and reducing   使用食水及減少雨水溢流。
            stormwater runoff.

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