Page 73 - Hong Kong Housing Society Sustainability Report 2023/24
P. 73

                                                                                 WATER CONSERVATION  保護水資源

            Property and Office Management                              物業及辦公室管理
            We also keep track of the water reduction progress at our   我們亦密切監察物業和辦公室的節水表現。
            properties and offices. Ongoing initiatives include the installation   我們持續推行的節水措施包括安裝具節水功
            of water-saving sanitary fixtures, placement of “Save Water”   能的衞生設備、於水龍頭旁邊貼上「節約用
            stickers near water taps to encourage water saving habits,   水」標示鼓勵節水習慣,以及定期檢查和維修
            regular monitoring and maintenance on water plumbing systems   物業內的水管系統,防止因漏水而造成不必
            in our properties to prevent unnecessary wastage from water   要的浪費。這些工作印證我們對用水管理的
            leakage. Our continual efforts demonstrated our dedication to   承諾。
            fostering responsible water resource management.

            In case of any leakage, the sensors alert relevant personnel to   如有任何漏水情況,我們安裝的感應器會提
            take immediate remedial actions. The increased adoption of   醒相關人員立即採取補救措施。我們廣泛使
            advanced technologies allows our property management teams   用先進技術,讓物業管理團隊能夠更有效控
            to have better control over various facilities in our properties,   制各類設備,為居民提供更及時的服務,並
            thus providing timely services to our residents while preventing   避免因漏水而引致的潛在事故。
            potential accidents caused by water leakage.

                   Coverage of wet floor alarm sensors

                                  18   Rental Estates

                                   3   Buildings of Senior Citizen Residences Scheme

                                   1   Building of Quality Elderly Housing Project

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