Reporting Abuse of Public Housing Resources

Reporting Abuse of Public Housing Resources

Public housing resources are precious to the society. The Hong Kong Housing Society has committed to taking measures to prevent abuse of such resources.

If tenants who have proven to have abused public housing resources, their tenancies may be terminated.

Examples of Public Housing Abuse

  • Non-occupation or not living permanently in the flat (not retaining regular and continuous residence for over three months)
  • Subletting (with or without earnings)
  • Operating illegal activities (e.g. gambling, possession of drugs or illicit cigarettes)
  • Non-domestic usage (e.g. commercial activities, storage)
  • False declaration (e.g. property, income, assets or household particulars)

If the abuse is of a more serious nature, we will terminate the concerned tenancy without prior warning.

Former HKHS tenants and all of their family members aged 18 or above at the time of tenancy termination due to making false declarations or breaching any terms of the tenancy agreement will not be allowed to re-apply for public rental housing for a period of five years starting from the day after tenancy termination. HKHS will report the above relevant tenant information to the Hong Kong Housing Authority in a joint effort to combat tenancy abuse.

Ways to Report Abuses

All information provided will be kept strictly confidential. We will take stringent action against all tenancy abuse cases.

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