Apply Online

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application form

You are applying for the position of:

(Ref: )

(*) Mandatory
General Information
Name (English)*
(Same as HKID Card)
Please provide English name
Name (Chinese)
Email Address
Please provide Email address
Correspondence Address*
Please provide correspondence address
Contact Phone No.*
(Please fill in at least one)
Please provide contact phone no.
Name of Institution*
Please provide the name of institution
Please provide the related information
Please provide the related information
Years of Study*
Please provide the related information
Latest Cumulative GPA*
Please provide the related information
Computer Skills
Computer Skill
Chinese Typing Skills
Chinese Typing Skills
How did you find the information of this job position?*
Ways to find the information of this job position
Please provide the related information
Have you previously joined our internship program?*
Have you previously joined our internship program?
Please provide the related information
Available Date (DD/MM/YYYY)*
Please provide the related information
Planned leave during to .
If any, please state the date
Please provide the related information
Please upload your personal CV*
(Max 2MB in MS Word or PDF format)
Please provide your personal CV
Hobbies / Interests*
Please provide the related information
Any award in school / open competition?

Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly in accordance with the Housing Society's personal data policies which is available in our website and obtainable upon request. Applicants may be considered for other suitable positions within the Housing Society and all personal data of unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed within 6 months upon completion of the relevant recruitment exercises.

You are required to review the Housing Society's Policy Statement on Employment Related Personal Data ("Personal Data Statement") prior to proceeding with this application, as it contains important information about how your personal data will be treated.

Please check if you agree with the Housing Society's Personal Data Statement.
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