Press Release


Housing Society Honoured in Outstanding Corporate Strategy Awards 2021

The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) becomes a first-time winner at the "Outstanding Corporate Strategy Awards 2021" of East Week Magazine for its innovative business strategies and market positioning that keeps moving ahead.

HKHS Chief Executive Officer James Chan said, "We are delighted to receive the award.  For over 70 years, the Housing Society has been committed to innovation with forward-looking strategies, providing quality homes and related services while embracing the role of a 'housing laboratory'.  All along, we have been proactively communicating with our stakeholders as we take forward the mission of creating liveable homes and building inclusive communities."

The Housing Society has pioneered a diversity of housing schemes, including rental estates and subsidised flats for sale, as well as elderly housing and services to foster ageing-in-place and intergenerational harmony against the background of an ageing population in Hong Kong.  In recent years, HKHS has been supporting the Government in the development of Dedicated Rehousing Estate projects and providing transitional housing for low-income families through the T-Home scheme, with a view to addressing the housing needs of Hong Kong people.

Creating a caring community is also a business objective of HKHS.  In this connection, a multi-disciplinary "Caring, Engaging and Smart" team was set up early this year to provide a one-stop support and care network for the residents of HKHS rental estates.  In times of the pandemic, HKHS has rendered timely assistance to the domestic and commercial tenants through measures like rent concessions and shopping promotion.  In addition, the Housing Society has continued its efforts to nurture the next generation with internship opportunities, scholarships and bursaries, and also engage the awardees through the "HS Academy Alumni Club", in the hope of helping the youth to unleash their potential.

Since it was launched in 2007, the biennial "Outstanding Corporate Strategy Awards" has been paying tribute to enterprises and organisations that demonstrated outstanding business strategies and continuous contribution to the community at large.

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