Press Release


Housing Society Won its First Accolade in Quality Management

The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) has been honoured with the Excellence Award of the 2021 HKMA Quality Award by the Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA), in recognition of its pursuit of innovation, quality and people-friendly objectives in its business development and operation, as well as its excellent performance in quality management.  "HKMA Quality Award" is considered to be the most prestigious award for quality management in Hong Kong, which commends and recognises companies and enterprises that have achieved outstanding contribution and performance in quality management, and the judging criteria cover seven categories: Leadership; Strategy; Customers; Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management; Workforce; Operations and Results.

HKHS Chief Executive Officer James Chan said, "As a not-for-profit non-governmental organisation, the Housing Society is greatly delighted to receive the honour of excellent corporate performance in quality management.  We are very grateful that the Panel of Judges and the Board of Examiners have recognised our  achievement in management excellence and affirmed our role as a 'Housing Laboratory'.  My gratitude also goes to the past and present Supervisory Board and Executive Committee, all HKHS Members and colleagues, as well as our residents and stakeholders for their unwavering support and opinions.  We will continue to strive for excellence, making greater contribution with more creativity while building more liveable homes and inclusive communities for a better future of Hong Kong."

Currently, HKHS has 25 projects under planning or construction, scheduled to provide more than 40,000 units over the next 20 years, of which about 28,000 units to be completed within the next 10 years, in an effort to address the demand for public housing and build intergenerational communities.

In the Examiners' Report, the Housing Society was praised for its efforts in providing innovative solutions for helping to tackle housing problems in Hong Kong.  In the area of Leadership, HKHS is effectively run by a two-tier governance structure comprising a Supervisory Board and an Executive Committee, together with the management team with proven leadership, making the organisation capable of rising up to ever-changing business challenges.  HKHS has been proactively ramping up its capacity to innovate and introduce advanced technologies in business operations, with a new Policy Research and Business Innovation Unit set up last year to coordinate efforts.  HKHS is committed to creating a good working environment where training and development opportunities are provided for its employees.  In addition, HKHS spares no effort in caring for the community, nurturing young people and supporting industry development.

First launched in 1991 by the Hong Kong Management Association, the Quality Award has been regarded as the most representative award for quality management in Hong Kong, bringing public recognition to organisations that have achieved outstanding standards of management.  The judging panel and the Board of Examiners are composed of professional management experts from different sectors.  Apart from reviewing the report submissions and conducting interviews, the Board of Examiners also conducted on-site inspections and meetings with the management, in order to have an in-depth understanding of how HKHS implements total quality management.

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