Housing Society Launches “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald” for Sale at 70% of Market Value1
Families with Elderly and Newborns Given Flat Selection Priority2
The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) announced the launch of its two Subsidised Sale Flats projects, namely “Hemma Fab” at Jockey Club Road in Fanling and “Hemma Emerald” at Anderson Road Site R2-4 in Kwun Tong. The two projects provide a total of 1,604 flats3 for applications open to eligible persons from 1 to 14 April. Unmodified show flats of the two projects with standard provisions are available for public viewing starting from 27 March at HKHS Cheung Sha Wan office with no prior appointments required.
“Hemma Fab”, located in the centre of Fanling, is the first Subsidised Sale Flats project in the Northern Metropolis4 launched for sale by HKHS. It consists of two 28-storey blocks (including two basement floors) and offers 644 units with saleable areas ranging from 302 square feet to 616 square feet5. “Hemma Emerald” is the second project on Anderson Road launched for sale by HKHS. Comprising two 30-storey blocks (including two basement floors), the project offers 960 units with saleable areas ranging from 302 square feet to 664 square feet5. Both “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald” offer one- to three-bedroom units, with approximately 80% being two-bedroom layouts and the remaining are one-bedroom and three-bedroom units6. Both projects include a dedicated clubhouse, shopping mall and communal garden7, with the material dates slated for 30 September 202717.
Both “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald” manifest a continuation of the Swedish Scandinavian design concept of “LAGOM”8, embodying the joy of a cozy, modest and happy ever after lifestyle, while adhering to the hallmark design of HKHS’s Subsidised Sale Flats project of being “practical but not extravagant”. The two projects provide efficient and practical unit layouts6, with each unit featuring a balcony7. The units are built with quality materials, equipped with essential interior finishes and household appliances such as kitchen cabinets, cooking hobs, range hood, air conditioners and sanitary ware9. Each of the projects is designed with a clubhouse and comprehensive ancillary facilities. It is also noteworthy that both projects have attained the Gold Rating of Provisional Assessment under BEAM Plus, showcasing HKHS’s commitment to sustainable development.
HKHS Development and Marketing Director Monita Ko said, “ ‘Hemma Fab’ and ‘Hemma Emerald’ being Subsidised Sale Flats projects will be sold at a discounted market value, with reference to the discount rate of the latest phase of ‘Home Ownership Scheme (HOS)’ flats offered by the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) with other considerations including the market condition. Both projects will be sold at about 70% of the market value1. The prices of ‘Hemma Fab’ range from HK$2,307,000 to HK$5,471,000, with unit rates ranging from HK$7,582 to HK$8,881 per square foot in terms of saleable area10. The prices of ‘Hemma Emerald’ range from HK$2,497,000 to HK$6,367,000, with unit rates ranging from HK$8,084 to HK$9,669 per square foot in terms of saleable area11. We believe both projects are attractive to the target buyers.”
“It is the first time of the Housing Society to introduce flat selection priority for families with elderly members (Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members) and families with newborns (Families with Newborns Flat Selection Priority Scheme)2. The two schemes serve due objectives to encourage cohabitation of applicants with their senior family members, hence fostering intergenerational solidarity, and offer young families with home ownership opportunities,” Monita Ko added.
The prices will remain unchanged once set, while the final discount rate will be calculated based on the prevailing market value at the time of signing the provisional agreement for sale and purchase. Besides, HKHS has entered into agreements with 16 banks and authorised financial institutions to provide mortgage guarantees, enabling purchasers to apply for mortgage loans of up to 90% of the property value.12
The eligibility criteria for “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald” are comparable with the current HOS offered by the HA. Public housing tenants can apply with Green Forms without any restrictions on income and asset, while non-public housing tenants can apply with White Forms and the monthly income and asset limits are set at HK$60,000 and HK$1.23 million respectively for families with two or more members. As for one-person applicants, the income and asset limits are HK$30,000 and HK$615,000 respectively.13
In regard to flat selection priority and quota allocation, as some of HKHS’s rental estates are under redevelopment planning, such as Kwun Tong Garden Estate (II), Chun Seen Mei Chuen in Kowloon City, Ming Wah Dai Ha Phase III in Shau Kei Wan, Ching Hoy Lau and Hoy Au Lau at Yue Kwong Chuen in Aberdeen and Healthy Village Phase III in North Point, eligible residents affected by these estate redevelopment projects will be given first priority to purchase “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald” flats. Secondly, a quota of approximately 40% for each of the projects, “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald”, is reserved for eligible family applicants under the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” and “Families with Newborns Flat Selection Priority Scheme”2. The “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” applies to family applicants where one of the family members has reached the age of 60 by the closing date of application. The “Families with Newborns Flat Selection Priority Scheme” applies to family applicants with babies born on or after 25 October 2023, and aged three or below by the closing date of application, or with a family member with at least 16 weeks of pregnancy by the closing date of application. Lastly, general applicants can purchase the remaining units, with 20% being reserved for one-person applicants, equally split between Green Form and White Form applicants at 10% each. The quota allocation ratio between Green Form and White Form applicants for the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” and “Families with Newborns Flat Selection Priority Scheme”, as well as general applicants is 40:60. Please refer to the Application Guides of HKHS’s “Subsidised Sale Flats Project for 2025” for details.
Unmodified show flats of “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald”, with standard provisions, are set up for public viewing at the Cheung Sha Wan office of HKHS (Tone King Building, 413 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan) from 27 March to 14 April. Opening hours are from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm daily including public holidays.14
Application for “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald” opens from 1 to 14 April 2025. Application forms and application guides, sales brochures, price lists and other relevant sales documents will be made available to the general public via the following channels:
White Form applicants can submit their application forms to the HKHS Applications Section in person, by post or online, while Green Form applicants must return their applications through their respective housing estate offices (except for Green Form Certificate holders who are required to submit their applications to HKHS Applications Section in person or by post). The application fee is HK$290. After the application period, HKHS will arrange vetting of the applications received and targets to conduct a ballot in June 2025, followed by flat selection in the fourth quarter of 2025. Arrangements for the ballot and flat selection will be announced in due course.15
For sales arrangements and details of “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald”, please call the HKHS sales hotline at 2839 8280.
1.“70% of Full Market Value” means that the purchase price of the relevant residential property is 70% of the initial market value of the said residential property. The initial market value used to calculate the discount at the time of purchase is the market value prevailing at the date of the Preliminary Agreement for Sale and Purchase (“PASP”). Once determined, the purchase price of each residential property under the relevant sales scheme will remain unchanged during offer period. There is usually a gap of several months between determination of purchase price and execution of the PASP. During such time the full market value of a residential property may be adjusted in accordance with the market conditions. As a result, the discount offered at the time of purchase may be different from that offered when the purchase price was set. Such discount offered at the time of purchase may not necessarily equal to the “70% of Full Market Value” as mentioned in this press release.
2. References to “Families with Elderly and Newborns Given Flat Selection Priority” and “flat selection priority for families with elderly members (Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members) and families with newborns (Families with Newborns Flat Selection Priority Scheme)” in this press release mean that a certain number of priority quota will be allocated to family applicants who have joined the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” and/or “Families with Newborns Flat Selection Priority Scheme” so that such family applicants may select a flat with the relevant priority order for flat selection. The aforementioned priority schemes are only applicable to eligible applicants. Please refer to the relevant Applicant Form(s) and Applicant Guide(s) for details. No undertaking or warranty is given by the Vendor as to whether any applicant joining the “Priority Scheme for Families with Elderly Members” and/or “Families with Newborns Flat Selection Priority Scheme” will be able to successfully purchase any residential property under the relevant categories of the priority schemes. This information is for reference only. Allocation of flats and order of priority of purchase of flats are subject to the relevant sales arrangements issued by or revised by the Vendor from time to time.
3. For details on the number of specified residential properties in “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald” that will be offered to be sold, please refer to the Information on Sales Arrangements No. 1 for “Hemma Fab” issued by the Vendor on 26 March 2025 and the Information on Sales Arrangements No.1 for “Hemma Emerald” issued by the Vendor on 26 March 2025.
4. The district of the outline zoning plan in which “Hemma Fab” is situated is Fanling / Sheung Shui. The reference to the Northern Metropolis herein is for reference only and it does not reflect the name or address of the said development. Please refer to the sales brochure for information on the location of “Hemma Fab”. The development / proposal regarding the Northern Metropolis may change from time to time. The future planning and actual conditions upon completion may differ from what is stated herein, details of which are subject to the final decision and/or announcement of the government or relevant organizations. No offer, representation, undertaking or warranty, whether express or implied, is given by the Vendor as to whether the said development / proposal will be completed or as to the time of completion of the said development / proposal or as to other information about the Northern Metropolis. Source of information: Website on the Northern Metropolis, https://www.nm.gov.hk/en/northern-metropolis#s3 (Date of last retrieval: 22 January 2025). The contents in the aforementioned website may change from time to time, and no offer, undertaking, representation or warranty, whether express or implied, is given by the Vendor in respect of such contents.
5. The saleable area (which includes the floor areas of balcony, utility platform and verandah (if any)) is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (Cap. 621). The saleable area excludes the area of every one of the items specified in Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (Cap. 621). The areas in square feet have been converted from square metres based on a conversion rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest integer. The areas represented in square feet may differ slightly from the areas represented in square metres. Details are subject to the final plans approved by the relevant government authorities.
6. The flat types or numbering, saleable areas, design, layout, partition, designed use, etc. are subject to the final plans approved by the relevant governmental authorities and the terms of the agreement for sale and purchase. Please refer to the relevant sales brochure for details. The building plans are subject to the latest plans approved by the relevant governmental authorities, and the Vendor reserves the right to amend the building plans in accordance with the provisions under the agreement for sale and purchase.
7. The Vendor reserves the right to amend the building plans and other plans from time to time to alter or amend the design, layout, partition, designed use, areas, saleable areas, flat types or numbering etc. of any part of the relevant development. The design of the relevant development is subject to the final plans approved by the relevant governmental authorities and the terms of the agreement for sale and purchase. The names of the clubhouse and/or recreational facilities are promotional names and will only be shown in promotional materials and will not appear in the building plans, principal deed of mutual covenant, sub-deed(s) of mutual covenant (if any), title deeds, agreement for sale and purchase or other title or legal documents of the relevant development. Such relevant names may change upon completion of the relevant development or thereafter, and no offer, representation, undertaking or warranty, whether express or implied, is given by the Vendor. The names of the residents’ clubhouse and recreational facilities may differ from the names of the facilities when the clubhouse is opened for use in the future. The facilities may not be immediately available for use upon delivery of vacant possession of the units in the relevant development. The opening hours and the use of different facilities are subject to the relevant laws, the land grant, provisions of the deed of mutual covenant and the actual on-site condition. The use or operation of some of the facilities may be subject to consents or permits issued by the relevant government authorities. The Vendor reserves the right to amend the design of the residents’ clubhouse and recreational facilities in “Hemma Fab” and “Hemma Emerald” and to alter and add/remove any facilities. Fees may be separately charged for using some of the facilities. Prospective purchasers are advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the relevant development.
8. The descriptions of “LAGOM” and “design concept of LAGOM” are for promotional purposes only and may not appear in the Deed of Mutual Covenant or other title documents of the relevant development.
9. The fittings, finishes and appliances in the relevant residential properties are subject to the terms of the agreement for sale and purchase. The Vendor reserves the right to change, alter and amend the fittings, finishes and appliances in any part of the relevant development. For information on the standard provisions of fittings, finishes and appliances, please refer to the “Fittings, Finishes and Appliances” section of the sales brochure. Nevertheless, the product names of some of the provisions are not set out in the sales brochure due to certain limitation in statutory requirements.
10. The lowest price of HK$2,307,000 refers to the price of Flat F on 3/F, Tower 1 as stated in Part 2 of Price List No.1 of “Hemma Fab”. The highest price of HK$5,471,000 refers to the price of Flat D on 24/F, Tower 2 as stated in Part 2 of Price List No. 1 of “Hemma Fab”. The lowest unit rate of saleable area of HK$7,582 refers to the unit rate of saleable area (i.e. price per square foot) of Flat H on 3/F, Tower 2 as stated in Part 2 of Price List No.1 of “Hemma Fab”. The highest unit rate of saleable area of HK$8,881 refers to the unit rate of saleable area (i.e. price per square foot) of Flat D on 24/F, Tower 2 as stated in Part 2 of Price List No.1 of “Hemma Fab”. The Vendor reserves its right to determine or revise the Price List(s) from time to time of the flats, and all information shall be subject to the Price List(s) made available by the Vendor. Please refer to the relevant Price List(s) for information on the terms of payment, discount on the price and benefit(s). The prices, terms of payment, discount on the price, gift(s), financial advantage(s) and benefit(s) are all subject to the relevant Price List(s) and the terms and conditions of the relevant transaction document(s).
11. The lowest price of HK$2,497,000 refers to the price of Flat A on 2/F, Tower 1A as stated in Part 2 of Price List No.1 of “Hemma Emerald”. The highest price of HK$6,367,000 refers to the price of Flat C on 26/F, Tower 1A or Flat C on 27/F, Tower 1A as stated in Part 2 of Price List No. 1 of “Hemma Emerald”. The lowest unit rate of saleable area of HK$8,084 refers to the unit rate of saleable area (i.e. price per square foot) of Flat G on 2/F, Tower 2B as stated in Part 2 of Price List No.1 of “Hemma Emerald”. The highest unit rate of saleable area of HK$9,669 refers to the unit rate of saleable area (i.e. price per square foot) of Flat G on 26/F, Tower 1B as stated in Part 2 of Price List No.1 of “Hemma Emerald”. The Vendor reserves its right to determine or revise the Price List(s) from time to time of the flats, and all information shall be subject to the Price List(s) made available by the Vendor. Please refer to the relevant Price List(s) for information on the terms of payment, discount on the price and benefit(s). The prices, terms of payment, discount on the price, gift(s), financial advantage(s) and benefit(s) are all subject to the relevant Price List(s) and the terms and conditions of the relevant transaction document(s).
12. The information is for reference only. The number of banks / financial institutions is subject to variation without further notice. No warranty is given by the Vendor that the purchaser can obtain mortgage loan finance from any banks/financial institutions. For information on the maximum loan amount and other terms of granting the loan, the banks / financial institutions on a case by case basis according to the circumstances of the purchaser. The banks / financial institutions shall have the right to approve or decline any mortgage loan application. The decisions by the banks / financial institutions are not related to the Vendor and the Vendor shall not be held responsible therefor. Regardless of whether any loan is granted or not, the purchasers shall complete the sale and purchase of the flats of “Hemma Fab” / “Hemma Emerald” and pay the balance of the purchase price in accordance with the Agreement for Sale and Purchase.
13. Please refer to the relevant Application Form(s) and Application Guide(s) for details on eligibility criteria in respect of applications under “Green Form” and “White Form”.
14. The Vendor reserves its right to change the date(s) on which the show flats are made available for viewing and the time(s) at which the show flats are made available for viewing.
15. For details on balloting and flat selection, please refer to the Information on Sales Arrangements published or revised by the Vendor from time to time in respect of the relevant development. The Vendor reserves its right to determine and revise from time to time the number of residential properties that will be offered to be sold, date of the sale, time of the sale, the method of sale and other relevant information in respect of the “Hemma Fab” and/or “Hemma Emerald”, and all information shall be subject to the relevant Information on Sales Arrangements published or revised by the Vendor from time to time.
16. Only one of the category(ies) of parking spaces (i.e., Residential Parking Spaces) in the relevant development has been set out in this item. This item does not set out the number(s) and information on all categories of parking spaces in the relevant development. For information on the location, number, dimensions and area of each category of parking spaces provided in the relevant development, please refer to the “Floor plans of parking spaces in the development” in the sales brochure of the relevant development.
17. “Material date” means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of the development. The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase.
18.This image is a rendering drawing of “Hemma Fab”. It is not taken at or from the Development and only represents an artist’s impression of the Development and its surrounding environment, and is not drawn to scale. The image has been generated and processed with computerized imaging techniques, and is for reference only. The Development is still under construction. This rendering drawing is only for showing the general appearance of the completed Development and/or the buildings, facilities and environment surrounding the Development, and does not reflect the actual view, external appearance, the final completed façade or surrounding environment upon completion of the Development. The construction, features, colours, materials, facilities, fittings, finishes, appliances, equipment, decorations, plants, landscaping and other objects are not standard provisions upon delivery of vacant possession of units, and they may not actually appear in the Development or any part thereof. Pipes, conduits, air-conditioning units, grilles, gondolas, cat-ladders etc. that may exist at the external walls, flat roof and roofs of the Development as well as the buildings, facilities and environment surrounding the Development are not fully reflected on this rendering drawing. The Vendor advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. This image is for reference only and it does not constitute and shall not be construed as constituting any offer, undertaking, representation or warranty (whether or not related to the view of the Development or the surrounding areas), whether express or implied, by or on the part of the Vendor in respect of the Development or any part thereof. The Vendor reserves the right to amend the building plans and other plans from time to time to alter or amend the design, layout, partition, designed use, areas, saleable areas, flat types or numbering etc. of any part of the Development. The design of the Development is subject to the final plans approved by the relevant governmental authorities and the terms of the agreement for sale and purchase. Subject to the terms of the agreement for sale and purchase, the Vendor reserves the right to change the fittings, finishes and appliances in the Development or any part thereof as referred to in this press release and/or the right to substitute the fittings, finishes and appliances in the Development or any part thereof as referred to in this press release with other fittings, finishes and appliances.
19. This image is a rendering drawing of “Hemma Emerald”. It is not taken at or from the Development and only represents an artist’s impression of the Development and its surrounding environment, and is not drawn to scale. The image has been generated and processed with computerized imaging techniques, and is for reference only. The Development is still under construction. This rendering drawing is only for showing the general appearance of the completed Development and/or the buildings, facilities and environment surrounding the Development, and does not reflect the actual view, external appearance, the final completed façade or surrounding environment upon completion of the Development. The construction, features, colours, materials, facilities, fittings, finishes, appliances, equipment, decorations, plants, landscaping and other objects are not standard provisions upon delivery of vacant possession of units, and they may not actually appear in the Development or any part thereof. Pipes, conduits, air-conditioning units, grilles, gondolas, cat-ladders etc. that may exist at the external walls, flat roof and roofs of the Development as well as the buildings, facilities and environment surrounding the Development are not fully reflected on this rendering drawing. The Vendor advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. This image is for reference only and it does not constitute and shall not be construed as constituting any offer, undertaking, representation or warranty (whether or not related to the view of the Development or the surrounding areas), whether express or implied, by or on the part of the Vendor in respect of the Development or any part thereof. The Vendor reserves the right to amend the building plans and other plans from time to time to alter or amend the design, layout, partition, designed use, areas, saleable areas, flat types or numbering etc. of any part of the Development. The design of the Development is subject to the final plans approved by the relevant governmental authorities and the terms of the agreement for sale and purchase. Subject to the terms of the agreement for sale and purchase, the Vendor reserves the right to change the fittings, finishes and appliances in the Development or any part thereof as referred to in this press release and/or the right to substitute the fittings, finishes and appliances in the Development or any part thereof as referred to in this press release with other fittings, finishes and appliances.
20. The photos were taken on 17 March 2025 in the unmodified show flat of Flat C on 18/F of Tower 1 of “Hemma Fab”. They were not taken in any actual unit in the Development, and have been digitally modified, and are for reference only. As the photos were taken before the show flat was completed, the conditions shown in the photos may differ from the actual conditions in the show flat. The conditions shown in the photos may also differ from the actual condition of the units upon completion. The show flat is solely for demonstrating the related residential property and does not constitute, nor should it be construed as constituting any offer, undertaking, representation or warranty, whether express or implied, regarding the appearance of any residential property in the Development or any part thereof, whether or not it may show the exterior finishes, external pipes, or overall appearance of any part of the Development. The provision of fittings, finishes and appliances in the residential properties are subject to the relevant terms and conditions of the sale and purchase agreement. The vendor reserves the right to change, modify, and alter the fittings, finishes, and appliances of any part of the Development. For details on the standard provisions of fittings, finishes and appliances, please refer to the sales brochure.
21. The photos were taken on 17 March 2025 in the unmodified show flat of Flat B on 18/F of Tower 2A of “Hemma Emerald”. They were not taken in any actual unit in the Development, and have been digitally modified, and are for reference only. As the photos were taken before the show flat was completed, the conditions shown in the photos may differ from the actual conditions in the show flat. The conditions shown in the photos may also differ from the actual condition of the units upon completion. The show flat is solely for demonstrating the related residential property and does not constitute, nor should it be construed as constituting any offer, undertaking, representation or warranty, whether express or implied, regarding the appearance of any residential property in the Development or any part thereof, whether or not it may show the exterior finishes, external pipes, or overall appearance of any part of the Development. The provision of fittings, finishes and appliances in the residential properties are subject to the relevant terms and conditions of the sale and purchase agreement. The vendor reserves the right to change, modify, and alter the fittings, finishes, and appliances of any part of the Development. For details on the standard provisions of fittings, finishes and appliances, please refer to the sales brochure.
To the extent this press release statement constitutes an advertisement, then the following applies:
Name of the Development: Hemma Fab|District: Fanling/ Sheung Shui|Name of the street at which the Development is situated and Street Number allocated by the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation: 288 Jockey Club Road△|Address of the website designated by the Vendor for the Development for the purposes of Part 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance▲: https://hemmafab.hkhs.com
The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/ promotional material represent an artist's impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/ or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.
Vendor: Hong Kong Housing Society|Holding Company of the Vendor: Not applicable|Authorized Person for the Development: Mr. CHUI Pak-Chung, Patrick|The firm or corporation of which an authorized person for the Development is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity: Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Limited|Building Contractor for the Development: CR Construction Company Limited|The firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development: Kao, Lee & Yip|Authorized Institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Development: Not applicable|Other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Development: Not applicable|The estimated material date for the Development to the best of the Vendor's knowledge: 30 September 2027 (“Material date” means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of the Development. The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase.)|This advertisement is published by the Vendor or by another person with the consent of the Vendor.|Prospective purchasers are advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the Development.|▲Website containing electronic version of sales brochure, price list, register of transactions, sales arrangements, deed of mutual covenant and aerial photographs.|△This provisional street number is subject to confirmation when the Development is completed.
Name of the Development: Hemma Emerald|District: Kwun Tong (North)|Name of the street at which the Development is situated and Street Number allocated by the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation: 22 On Hei Street☆|Address of the website designated by the Vendor for the Development for the purposes of Part 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance★:https://hemmaemerald.hkhs.com
The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/ promotional material represent an artist's impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/ or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.
Vendor: Hong Kong Housing Society|Holding Company of the Vendor: Not applicable|Authorized Person for the Development: Mr. ORR Wah Hung David|The firm or corporation of which an authorized person for the Development is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity: Wong Tung & Partners Limited|Building Contractor for the Development: Hip Hing Engineering Company Limited|The firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development: Kao, Lee & Yip|Authorized Institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Development: Not applicable|Other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Development: Not applicable|The estimated material date for the Development to the best of the Vendor's knowledge: 30 September 2027 (“Material date” means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of the Development. The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase.)|This advertisement is published by the Vendor or by another person with the consent of the Vendor.|Prospective purchasers are advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the Development.|★Website containing electronic version of sales brochure, price list, register of transactions, sales arrangements, deed of mutual covenant and aerial photographs.|☆This provisional street number is subject to confirmation when the Development is completed.
Date of printing: 26 March 2025