Page 157 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2018 年報
P. 157
Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註
3. Significant accounting estimates (continued) 3. 主要會計估計ᚃ
Estimation uncertainty (continued) 估計的不明朗因素ᚃ
Impairment of non-financial assets 非財務資產減࠽
The Housing Society assesses whether there are any indicators of ג܊ึ൙Пజѓಂ͋݊щπίה
impairment for all non-financial assets at the end of each reporting Ϟڢৌਕ༟ପٙಯ࠽༦dԨίϞ༦
period and they are tested for impairment when there are indicators ᜑͪሪࠦ࠽̙ঐೌجϗΫࣛආБಯ
that the carrying amounts may not be recoverable. An impairment ࠽༊fࡊ༟ପאତږପ͛ఊЗٙሪ
exists when the carrying value of an asset or a cash-generating unit ࠦ࠽൴ཀՉ̙ϗΫږᕘуՉʮ̻࠽
exceeds its recoverable amount, which is the higher of its fair value ಯ̈ਯϓ͉ʿՉԴ͜ᄆ࠽Շ٫ʕٙ༰
less costs of disposal and its value in use. The calculation of the fair ৷٫dۆπίಯ࠽fʮʪᄆ࠽ಯቖ
value less costs of disposal is based on available data from binding ਯϓ͉ٙࠇၑਿʮ̻ʹʕՈϞᗳ
sales transactions in an arm’s length transaction of similar assets or Ч༟ପٙߒҼቖਯʹ̙ٙ͜ᅰኽ
observable market prices less incremental costs for disposing of the א̙ᝈ࿀̹ఙᄆࣸಯ̘ஈໄ༈༟ପٙ
asset. When value in use calculations are undertaken, management ᄣඎϓ͉fආБԴ͜ᄆ࠽ࠇၑࣛd
must estimate the expected future cash flows from the asset or ၍ଣᄴ̀Пࠇ༟ପאତږପ͛ఊЗ
cash-generating unit and choose a suitable discount rate in order to ٙཫಂ͊ԸତږݴඎdԨ፯Υቇٙ
calculate the present value of those cash flows. ұତଟ˸ࠇၑ༈ഃତږݴඎٙତ࠽f
4. Capital risk management 4. 資本風險管理
The Housing Society’s capital comprises primarily the surplus ג܊ึٙ༟͉˴ࠅ݊ՉІϓͭ˸Ը
accumulated since its establishment and its objective when הଢ଼ጐٙޮቱfՉ༟͉၍ଣٙͦٙ݊
managing capital is to ensure that the Housing Society will be able to ࠅᆽڭג܊ึঐܵᚃᐄԨމ࠰ಥ
continue as a going concern so that it can continue to provide quality ٟึԶᎴሯג܊ʿਕf
housing and services for the Hong Kong community.
Given that the Housing Society’s funding is mainly raised internally, ᛠג܊ึٙ༟ږ˴ࠅ݊ʫᘪ
the policies on capital risk management are therefore focused on ණdה˸༟͉ࠬᎈ၍ଣ݁ഄٙࠠᓃ݊
how to preserve the surplus funds in order to achieve the above νОڭवޮቱ༟ږd˸༺Ցɪࠑ༟͉
capital management objective. Related policies on preserving the ၍ଣͦᅺfϞᗫڭवޮቱ༟ږٙᗫ
surplus funds are set out in note 5. ݁ഄ༱ڝൗʞf
香港房屋協會2017/18年度年報 155