Page 32 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 32

30    Corporate Structure 組織架構

            SuPERviSORY BOARD

                                    13                        14                 15

              16                    17                       18

            13 Dr lam Ching-choi SBS, JP      15 Mr Alex lui Chun-wan         17 Mr Alvin Mak Wing-sum
               林正財醫生 SBS, JP                     雷震寰先生                           麥永森先生
               Chief Executive Officer,          Former Professor, Department of Architecture,   Former Head of Markets and Banking,
               Haven of Hope Christian Service   The Chinese University of Hong Kong  CitiBank N.A. Hong Kong
               基督教靈實協會行政總裁                       香港中文大學前建築系教授                    花旗集團香港區前資本市場及
               (from 6 September 2018) (2018年9月6日起)                              企業銀行業務總裁
                                                                                 (from 6 September 2018) (2018年9月6日起)
                                              16 Mrs Agnes Mak tang Pik-yee MH, JP
            14 Mr Wallace lam Wing-ted           麥鄧碧儀女士 MH, JP
               林永德先生                                                          18 Prof Kenneth Pang tsan-wing SBS
                                                 Executive Director, iPrinciple Limited  彭贊榮教授 SBS
               Co-Head of Global Banking, Hong Kong,    iPrinciple Limited 行政總裁
               The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking    (from 6 September 2018) (2018年9月6日起)  Former Commissioner of Rating and Valuation,
               Corporation Limited                                               HKSAR Government
               香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司                                                      香港特別行政區政府差餉物業估價署前署長

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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