Page 28 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 28
26 CEO’s Review of Operations 行政總裁業務回顧
Conclusion 結語
The year 2018/19 proved to be a fruitful one, as we have been able to 二零一八╱二零一九年度是房協豐收之年,
achieve a majority of our annual targets while embarking on new 在達成大部份全年工作指標之餘,亦開拓
ventures. Our financial status remained healthy under prudent 了多項新業務。在審慎業務管理及投資下,
management of our business and investments. Our commercial 房協得以維持健全的財政狀況。所持商業
portfolio generated an income of HK$901 million, and obtained an 投資組合帶來的收入達9.01 億港元,錄得投
investment gain of HK$853 million. Considering all our operating costs, 資溢利8.53 億港元。在扣除所有營運成本、
social projects expenditure and income from our domestic operation, 社區項目支出及營運收入後,今年錄得淨
we recorded a net surplus of HK$1,085 million this year. Meanwhile, our 盈餘10.85 億港元。與此同時,資產淨值為
net asset value indicated a growth of 3% at HK$43.4 billion. Our steady 434億港元,增長百分之三。鑒於尚有大量
financial position will serve as a strong foundation for the sustainable 項目即將展開,房協穩健的財務狀況將成
development of our businesses in view of the numerous projects ahead 為支持業務持續發展的穩固基石。
of us.
Looking forward, we would remain strongly committed to creating 展望未來,我們仍將堅定不移地為市民建
homes to meet the needs of our society, and would utilise our strength 設居所,以滿足社會的需要,並憑藉本身
and experience in mapping out a future with the homes we built and 在房屋建設上的實力和經驗,繼續為香港
created. 興建房屋,創造更好的未來。
To conclude, I must express my deepest appreciation towards our 總結而言,承蒙主席及各委員給予精闢的
Chairman and to our Board members for their insightful and 專業指引,本人謹此致以深切謝意。同時,
professional guidance. I am also thankful to the Management and all of 亦感謝管理層及全體員工歷年來專心致志,
our staff for their consistent dedication and commitment to achieving 盡忠職守,不斷為房協創出輝煌成績。
excellence year after year.
Wong Kit-loong 黃傑龍
Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director 行政總裁兼執行總幹事
21 June 2019 二零一九年六月二十一日
Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19