Page 27 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 27


               Fostering ties with the Community and Stakeholders          與社區和持份者建立聯繫
               To celebrate the 70  Anniversary of the Housing Society, we have rolled   房協為慶祝成立七十周年,舉行了一連串
               out a series of celebratory events and activities to share our joy and   慶祝盛事和活動與持份者分享喜悅。「房協
               happiness with the stakeholders. We are delighted that the 70    七十周年公關活動」奪得多個本地及地區性
               Anniversary Campaign clinched various local and regional awards for   公關獎項,顯示我們在建立企業形象及與
               our performance in image building and stakeholder communication.  持份者溝通上的表現得到肯定。

               An “Art in Estates” Mural Painting Programme was held in 2018 at our   房協於二零一八年在轄下屋邨舉行「快樂社
               housing estates, where residents were joined by members and staff of   區」屋邨藝術壁畫計劃。居民與房協職員攜
               the Housing Society in turning the walls of the estates into colourful art   手將屋邨的牆壁打造成色彩繽紛的藝術壁
               murals. The murals at each of the estates were unique in the way that   畫。每個屋邨的壁畫各具特色,畫作反映
               the paintings reflected some of the area’s heritage. The community   當區的掌故。此社區項目除了提供機會和
               project has been able to provide an opportunity and space for creative   空間讓大家發揮創意外,還可加強居民對
               expression while fostering a sense of community and local identity.  居住社區的認同感。

               The inauguration of the first “Housing Society Exhibition Centre” in   首個「房協展覽中心」於二零一八年十二月
               December 2018 marked a historic moment for the Housing Society.   啟用,締造房協的歷史時刻。該中心展出
               Showcasing a collection of historical exhibits and precious mementoes   一系列具有歷史價值和珍貴的展品,主題
               relating to the historical developments of Hong Kong housing, the   圍繞香港的房屋發展史。該中心將繼續擔
               Centre will continue to serve as a platform for Housing Society to   當房協與社區聯繫和互動的平台。
               connect and interact with the community.

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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