Page 137 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 137

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
prevention advisory report from the Corruption Prevention Department of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. The Audit Committee submitted reports to the Supervisory Board on a half-yearly basis on the overall adequacy and effectiveness of the compliance, ethical standards, risk management and internal control systems based on the work of the internal and external assurance providers.
To further strengthen corporate governance, a whistleblowing policy, which aims to encourage staff members and other concerned parties to report any malpractice or suspected malpractice related to the Housing Society through an established reporting channel, was also prepared by the Audit Committee for the review of the Supervisory Board.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee acts on behalf of the Supervisory Board and oversees the Housing Society’s membership nomination and election processes, as well as admission of new members to the Housing Society. It is dedicated to ensuring that the Housing Society membership consists of a balanced mix of skills and professional backgrounds.
There were eight members on the Nominating Committee as of 1 April 2020, comprising the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing) serving as an ex officio member, the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, the immediate past Chairman and the immediate past Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board and two other members of the Supervisory Board. At the AGM held on 3 September 2020, Mr Chan Ka- kui and Prof Kenneth Pang Tsan-wing, who were serving the Nominating Committee in their capacity of members of the Supervisory Board, retired from the Committee. Mr Chan Ka- kui and Prof Kenneth Pang Tsan-wing were not eligible to stand for re-appointment as they were required to step down from the Supervisory Board after serving six or more consecutive years at the 2020 AGM. At the Supervisory Board meeting held immediately after the 2020 AGM and EGM, Prof Eddie Hui Chi- man and Mr William Chau Chun-wing, were appointed to the Nominating Committee for a one-year and a two-year term of office respectively. The Nominating Committee consisted of eight members as of 31 March 2021.
年向監事會提交報告,內容有關根據內部稽 核功能及外聘核數師的審查情況來檢討房協 在合規、道德標準、風險管理及內部監控系 統方面的整體充足程度及成效。
為進一步加強企業管治,審核委員會亦擬備 一項舉報政策,以供監事會審核。該政策旨 在鼓勵員工及其他有關人士透過既定的舉報 渠道,向房協舉報任何不當行為或疑似不當 行為。
提名委員會代表監事會監察房協委員的提名 及選舉程序,以及審核新委員加入房協的程 序,致力確保房協委員具備均衡的才能及專 業背景。
截至二零二零年四月一日,提名委員會共有 八名委員,包括監事會主席及副主席、由運 輸及房屋局常任秘書長(房屋)出任的當然委 員、行政總裁兼執行總幹事、監事會上任主 席及上任副主席以及另外兩名監事會委員。 於二零二零年九月三日舉行的周年委員大會 上,以監事會委員身份出任提名委員會委員 的陳家駒先生及彭贊榮教授退任提名委員會 委員。陳家駒先生及彭贊榮教授已連續擔任 監事會委員會六年或以上,須於二零二零年 周年委員大會上卸任監事會委員,故不合資 格再獲委任。在緊隨二零二零年周年委員大 會及特別委員大會後舉行的監事會會議上, 許智文教授及周鎮榮先生獲委任為提名委員 會委員,任期分別為一年及兩年。截至二零 二一年三月三十一日,提名委員會共有八名 委員。

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