Page 149 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 149

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Under the outbreak of COVID-19, we will deploy additional resources in cleaning, sanitization and drainage improvement works in our rental estates. In the longer term, we will consolidate the experiences gained from the pilot MiC projects to enhance quality, safety and sustainability of our development projects.
Financial Sustainability
The Housing Society has been managing its finances prudently and management processes are in place to ensure that the organisation is financially sustainable in the long term to pursue its mission.
With the professional advices and guidance of the Special Committee on Investment, our investments have generated satisfactory returns and sizable reserve has been built up to meet our future business needs. Given the expanded development program, a Task Force on Financing has been set up this year to examine our financial resources and propose a funding strategy that can fulfil our funding needs in the next 5 to 10 years.
In the near term, the weakening economy brought by the COVID-19 may adversely impact the median household income based on which the selling prices of our Subsidised Sale Flats (SSF) are set. To mitigate this risk, we will critically review the financial viability of our developments continuously and spread the development risk by phasing the development periods and by reviewing the design and flat mix. In addition, construction cost will also be closely monitored and contained at a level that is comparable with the market.
Internal Resources
To support the expanded operations in project development and property management in the coming years, we have reviewed and developed a five-year manpower plan for major operations. This year, we will gear up our manpower resources, refine the succession planning, career planning and development for high potential staff to meet the growing business needs.
在新冠肺炎疫情爆發下,我們將投入更多資 源用於出租屋邨的清潔、消毒及排水改善工 程。長遠方面,我們將整合「組裝合成」建築 法先導項目所累積的經驗,以提升發展項目 的質素、安全及可持續發展。
房協一直審慎管理財政,並制定管理程序, 確保機構具備長期可持續的財務實力,足以 支持其踐行營運宗旨。
憑藉投資特別委員會的專業意見及指引,我 們取得了理想的投資回報,並已累積龐大儲 備滿足未來業務需要。鑑於發展計劃擴大, 房協於本年度成立財務專責小組,以評估財 務資源及建議可滿足未來五至十年資金需求 的資金策略。
新冠肺炎疫情導致經濟轉弱,於短期內可能 會對家庭收入中位數構成不利影響,而資助 出售房屋售價根據此中位數計算得出,為減 輕這方面的風險,我們將徹底檢討持續發展 的財務可行性,並採取分階段發展及檢討設 計及單位組合轉嫁發展風險。此外,我們亦 會密切監察建築成本,並將其控制於與市場 相若的水平。
為支持未來數年項目發展及物業管理的營運 擴展,房協已檢視及制定五年期主要營運的 人力資源規劃。於本年度,我們將提升人力 資源,完善具潛力的優質員工繼任計劃、職 業規劃及發展,以滿足日益增加的業務需要。

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