Page 150 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 150

On the technology front, dedicated resources are deployed including the Computer Steering Committee and the newly established business innovation unit so as to set direction on our IT development and explore innovative technology solutions to support the changing business needs. In the coming year, we will collaborate with external technology companies including the Science Park and Microsoft to formulate innovative IT solutions and adopt advanced technology to enhance internal work processes and improve experience to our customers. The Projects Division will implement applications that will digitalise the project management process.
Business Partners
As the performance of vendors/business partners are important for us to deliver quality products and services, the Housing Society has procedures in place to evaluate and engage different vendors/business partners.
Given the increased number of projects in the coming years, the risk and potential impact of engaging inappropriate business partners for developments projects has increased. To mitigate this risk, the Projects Division has introduced a “Fee Quality Score” system in evaluating consultants to prevent the selection of unrealistic low-fee proposals.
For our property leasing and elderly services operation, the newly formed CES team will partner with increased number of collaborators/NGOs to provide enhanced mutual support to our rental estates’ tenants, and procedures are in place to evaluate and engage appropriate partners to support the enhanced services.
科技方面,房協向電腦督導委員會 (Computer Steering Committee) 等 部 門 撥 出專門資源,亦新成立業務創新部門,以設 定資訊發展方向,並發掘創新科技方案,支 持不斷轉變的業務需要。於來年,我們將與 科學園及微軟等外部科技公司合作,以制定 創新資訊科技方案,並採用先進科技優化內 部工作程序及提高客戶體驗。工程策劃部將 推出應用程式,將項目管理程序數碼化。
由於供應商╱業務合作夥伴的表現對房協提 供優質產品及服務至關重要,我們已制定流 程評估及委聘不同的供應商╱業務合作夥伴。
鑒於未來數年項目增加,委聘不當業務合作 夥伴發展項目的風險及潛在影響亦隨之增 加。為減輕這方面風險,工程策劃部已就 評估顧問引入「費用質素評分(Fee Quality Score)」系統,以免選擇不切實際的平價建議 方案。
就房協的租賃及長者服務營運而言,新成立 的「房協友里」團隊將增加與合作方╱非政府 機構合作,加強轄下出租屋邨租戶互助,並 制定流程評估及委聘適當的合作夥伴以優化 服務。

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