Page 151 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 151
香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Operational Risks Management
Operational risks affect the effectiveness of our daily operations and we have classified 11 risks that would substantially affect our corporate operating performance. Mitigating measures are in place to ensure that the residual risks are contained at an acceptable level and they are monitored on a regularly basis through Key Risk Indicators.
Under the shadow of the pandemic, the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is triggered and in place throughout this year and our operations are mostly business-as-usual. These include flexible work hours and home office arrangement for our staff. During the year, our internal auditor has conducted a review on our Crisis Management and BCP and assessed that the overall control is satisfactory.
Risk assessment and monitoring have been embedded in the Housing Society’s management process. The Management will continue to review and enhance the ERM framework by referring to insights on leading practices, taking into account our operational environments and overall risk appetite.
營運風險影響日常營運的成效,而我們界定 了十一項將對我們的企業營運表現有重大影 響的營運風險。房協已制定減輕風險措施, 確保剩餘風險控制在適當水平,並透過主要 風險指標定期監察。
在疫情陰霾下,房協啟動「企業營運持續計 劃」,並於本年度貫徹推行,使旗下業務大致 保持正常營運。計劃包括實行員工彈性工時 及在家工作安排。於本年度,內部核數師已 就「危機管理」及「業務緊急應對計劃」進行檢 討,並認為整體控制情況理想。
風險管理及監察程序已被納入房協的管理流 程。管理層將繼續透過參考先進經驗檢討企 業風險管理框架,並會考慮我們的營運環境 及整體風險胃納,以提升框架成效。