Page 55 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 55

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
To help the seniors maintain agility and fitness during the pandemic, the elderly services team of the Housing Society invited representatives from the Department of Health, as well as physiotherapists and occupational therapists, to provide online exercise sessions for house-bound seniors, through which simple workouts that improve balance, flexibility and muscle strength are introduced to the seniors. During the year, a total of 12 online exercise training sessions were provided in which 450 SEN residents had participated.
With social distancing in force, reaching out to our residents by means of phone calls and app have become crucial means of connecting with them. A total of 6,468 phone calls were made during the year to the 685 tenants living in our two SEN developments: calls reminding them to take note of the anti- epidemic measures and checking on their wellness. Calls were administered on a more frequent basis to tenants in the high-risk groups, those with dementia, heart disease or respiratory issues.
While the clubhouses were closed with social activities and interest classes suspended for the better part of the year, the staff at the two SEN projects tried out some out-of-the box ideas to help the residents enjoy their days more.
Staff at Jolly Place reinvented some of the activity rooms into ‘pandemic theatres’ where movies were screened over computers and only a single viewer was admitted for each session to comply with social distancing measures. Up to four sessions could be screened in a single day to cater for those craving to go to the theatre to watch a movie.
為協助長者在疫情期間保持身體靈活及健 康,房協長者服務團隊邀請衞生署的代表, 以及物理治療師和職業治療師為居家長者 提供網上運動課程,透過簡單的鍛煉改善長 者的平衡力、靈活度及肌肉力量。本年度, 房協提供合共十二個網上運動課程,吸引 四百五十名「長者安居樂」住戶參與。
隨著實施社交距離措施,透過電話及應用程 式問候居民成為重要的聯繫方式。本年度, 房協與六百八十五名居於轄下「長者安居樂」 發展項目的租戶合共通話六千四百六十八 次:提醒他們留意抗疫措施和注意身體健 康。房協還特意更頻密地致電高風險組別、 患有認知障礙、心臟病或呼吸系統疾病的租 戶,密切關注他們的健康狀況。
年內,儘管會所關閉,社交活動和興趣班也 在大部分時間暫停,惟兩個「長者安居樂」項 目的員工嘗試以創新方式為居民增添生活樂 趣。
「樂頤居」的員工將部分活動室改造成「抗疫 電影院」,在電腦上放映電影,每場只限一名 觀眾,以遵守社交距離措施。「抗疫電影院」 每天可播放四場,以滿足戲迷的觀影需求。

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