Page 107 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 107
CONNECtINg WIth OUR StakEhOldERS 聯繫持份者
Other community services, such as “Love Through Lens: Family 為改善社會福利及提高環保意識,同學會亦
Portraits for Cherished Memories”, “Used Book Recycling 組織了「以愛相伴」家庭拍照活動、舊書回收
Campaign” and “Parent-child Workshops on Environmental 義賣大行動及親子環保教育工作坊等社區服
Education”, were also arranged to enhance social well-being 務。一眾青年領袖可藉著參與同學會的活動
and environmental awareness. Through the Alumni Club, young 學習所需技能,培養勇於承擔的精神及公民
leaders are empowered with commitment, skills and a sense of 責任意識,成為能夠真正改變未來的新勢力。
civic responsibility to be the game changer of our future.
outreach Education Programme 外展教育活動
Sparking curiosity, our Outreach Education Programme is all 我們的「外展教育活動」旨在激發中小學生的
about promoting fun learning among primary and secondary 好奇心,寓學習於娛樂,讓他們在趣味中汲
school students about local housing and related topics. 取有關本港房屋及相關課題的知識。
During the year, the Programme engaged more than 340 年內,逾三百四十名師生參與了房協的「外展
students and teachers. In addition, our HS e-Academy, an online 教育活動」。此外,我們於二零二零年推出的
education portal launched in 2020, garnered positive attention 網上教學平台「房協學苑」亦廣受學界歡迎,
with about 5,500 hits, creating a positive impact on young 錄得約五千五百次點擊率,為年輕學子帶來
learners. 正面影響。
Celebrating 75 years of unwavering dedication, the Housing 走過七十五載,房協恪守使命,傲然屹立,
Society stands tall as a beacon of trust and excellence in 成為深受香港以至世界各地同行信賴、以優
Hong Kong and beyond. During the year, our commitment to 質見稱的業界指標。年內,我們在卓越管
outstanding governance, project excellence, and sustainable 治、優質項目及可持續發展方面表現出色,
development has shone brightly, earning us accolades from 獲得二十八個知名獎項計劃的嘉許,合共獲
28 prestigious award schemes, affirming our leadership in the 頒四十六個獎項,充分肯定我們於業界的領
industry, with a total of 46 individual awards. 先地位。
Our relentless pursuit of excellence has earned us 房協一直精益求精,屢獲殊榮,包括榮獲香
accreditations, including the “Directors of the Year Award” 港董事學會頒發「法定╱非分配利潤組織董事
by The Hong Kong Institute of Directors for our exceptional 會」組別的「年度傑出董事獎」,以及同時獲
governance in the “Statutory/Non-profit-distributing 頒「董事會多元化卓越嘉許」,以表揚房協優
Organisations Categories – Boards”, along with acclaim for 秀的企業管治,以及房協委員具遠見的領導
“Excellence in Board Diversity”. These awards are a testament to 能力和管理層的專業精神。
the excellence in corporate governance, the visionary leadership
of Members and the professionalism of our management team.
104 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報 105