Page 157 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 157
In the coming year, we will develop sustainability key 來年,我們將根據可持續發展框架制定可持
performance indicators under our sustainability framework to 續發展關鍵績效指標,從而客觀評估房協於
objectively measure the Housing Society’s Environmental, Social 環境、社會及管治方面的表現。
and Governance achievements.
Product and service Quality 產品及服務質素
“Quality” is one of our core values, and the Housing Society 房協視「質素」為核心價值之一,致力維持高
maintains a high standard for our products and services. 水準的產品和服務。
In property development, we will adopt the latest technology 在物業發展方面,我們採用最新技術、秉持
and green and sustainable design principles to enhance the 綠色及可持續發展的設計原則,提升我們的
quality of our housing solutions. We will adopt more sustainable 房屋服務質素。為減少碳足跡及實現淨零碳
design features and materials, climate-resilient design and 排放的長遠目標,我們將於未來發展項目中
energy efficient usage for future development projects to reduce 採用更多可持續發展的設計元素及物料,並
carbon footprint and aim to achieve net carbon zero in the long 採用有利於適應氣候變化及具能源效益的設
run. We will also adopt innovative solutions like trial robotics 計。我們亦會採用建築機械人試行計劃等創
construction techniques to ensure construction productivity, 新方案,以確保建築效率、安全及可持續發
safety and sustainability. 展。
We will apply PropTech solutions and other IT technologies 我們將運用房地產科技方案及其他資訊科
to enhance operational efficiency and customer experience in 技,提升物業及資產管理方面的營運效率和
property and asset management. This year, we will continue to 客戶體驗。年內,我們將繼續在物業管理中
embrace more green technology in property management to 應用更多綠色科技,減少用電。
reduce electricity consumption.
Regarding social and elderly wellness, we focus on enhancing 在社會及長者服務方面,我們聚焦促進社區
community bonding and intergenerational (IG) harmony. 聯繫及跨代共融。年內,我們將透過教育及
This year, we will implement education campaigns and 促進社區互助的活動,鼓勵出租屋邨的租戶
mutual support activities to encourage sustainable living 建立可持續的生活習慣,以及在現有出租屋
practices among rental estates tenants as well as promoting 邨推廣跨代共融。我們亦會研究如何在轄下
intergenerational harmony in existing rental estates and explore 商場引入跨代共融的概念。
the IG concept in commercial malls.
Financial sustainability 財務可持續性
The Housing Society exercises prudence in managing its 房協一直審慎管理財務,並已制定各項程
finances, with processes in place to ensure long-term financial 序,確保達至長遠的財務可持續性。
154 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報 155