Page 206 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 206
3. significant accounting estimates (continued) 3. 主要會計估計 (續)
Estimation uncertainty (continued) 估計的不明朗因素 (續)
Estimation of net realisable value of properties under 作出售用途的發展中物業的可變現
development for sale 淨值估計
Properties under development for sale are stated at the 作出售用途的發展中物業乃按成本及可
lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost of each 變現淨值中的較低者列示。於各個開發
unit in each phase of development is determined using the 期每個單位的成本以加權平均法釐定。
weighted average method. The estimated net realisable 估計可變現淨值乃指估算的估計售價減
value is based on estimated selling price less any estimated 預估竣工成本及銷售成本,包括根據完
costs to be incurred to completion and sale, including 成現有開發計劃將發生的建造成本的預
construction costs to be incurred to complete based on 計,以及對基於可比地區和條件下物業
existing development plan, and a forecast of future sales 的固定折扣市價所作的未來銷售情況預
based on a fixed discount of the market price of properties 測。
in comparable locations and conditions.
4. Capital risk management 4. 資本風險管理
The Housing Society’s capital comprises primarily the 房屋協會的資本主要是其自成立以來所
surplus accumulated since its establishment and its 累積的盈餘。其資本管理的目的是要確
objective when managing capital is to ensure that the 保房屋協會能持續經營並為香港社會提
Housing Society will be able to continue as a going concern 供優質房屋及服務。
so that it can continue to provide quality housing and
services for the Hong Kong community.
Given that the Housing Society’s funding is mainly raised 鑑於房屋協會的資金主要是內部籌集,
internally, the policies on capital risk management are 所以資本風險管理政策的重點是如何保
therefore focused on how to preserve the surplus funds in 留盈餘資金,以達到上述資本管理目
order to achieve the above capital management objective. 標。有關保留盈餘資金的相關政策載於
Related policies on preserving the surplus funds are set out 附註五。
in note 5.