Page 201 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 201

                                                                     NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 財務報表附註

            2.4  Material accounting policies (continued)               2.4 重大會計政策 (續)

                 Revenue recognition (continued)                            收入確認 (續)

                 Revenue from contracts with customers (continued)          來自客戶合同之收入 (續)
                 When the consideration in a contract includes a variable   當合約的代價包含可變金額,代價金額
                 amount, the amount of consideration is estimated to        因應房屋協會因轉移貨品或服務予客戶
                 which the Housing Society will be entitled in exchange for   可收取的交換代價作出估算。可變代價
                 transferring the goods or services to the customer. The    於合約開始生效時作出估算,並受限直
                 variable consideration is estimated at contract inception   至於可變代價的相關不確定性其後解除
                 and constrained until it is highly probable that a significant   時已確認的累計收益金額中的重大收益
                 revenue reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue       撥回很大可能不會發生。
                 recognised will not occur when the associated uncertainty
                 with the variable consideration is subsequently resolved.

                 When the contract contains a financing component           當合約包含有關向客戶轉移貨品或服務
                 which provides the customer with a significant benefit of   作出多於一年的融資而向客戶提供重大
                 financing the transfer of goods or services to the customer   利益的融資要素,收入按應收款項的現
                 for  more  than  one  year,  revenue  is  measured  at  the   值計量,並按於合約開始生效時房屋協
                 present value of the amount receivable, discounted using   會與客戶的個別融資交易所反映的貼現
                 the discount rate that would be reflected in a separate    率貼現。當合約包含有關向房屋協會提
                 financing transaction between the Housing Society and      供重大財務利益多於一年的融資要素,
                 the customer at contract inception. When the contract      於合約下確認的收入包括於實際利率法
                 contains a financing component which provides the Housing   下合約負債所產生的利息開支。有關由
                 Society with a significant financial benefit for more than   客戶支付至轉移承諾貨品或服務期間為
                 one year, revenue recognised under the contract includes   一年或以下的合約,因採用財務報告準
                 the interest expense accreted on the contract liability    則第十五號的可行權宜方法,交易價格
                 under the effective interest method. For a contract where   不會因應重大融資要素的影響作出調
                 the period between the payment by the customer and the     整。
                 transfer of the promised goods or services is one year or
                 less, the transaction price is not adjusted for the effects
                 of a significant financing component, using the practical
                 expedient in HKFRS 15.

                 (a)  Sales of properties                                   (a)  物業出售

                     Revenue arising from the sale of properties held            物業出售收入於買家取得已竣工
                     for sale is recognised when the buyers obtain the           物業的法定所有權時確認。在確
                     legal title of the completed property. Deposits and         認收入當日前就物業出售收取的
                     instalments received on properties sold prior to            訂金和分期付款則記入財務狀況
                     the date of revenue recognition are included in the         表的已收預售樓宇訂金內。
                     statement of financial position under forward sales
                     deposits received.

                                                        Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24   香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報  199
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