Page 27 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - Social and Environmental Report 社會及環保報告
P. 27

Support the Housing Industry 支持房屋業界

                 Support the Housing Industry             支持房屋業界

                 We continue to recognise the value in sustaining   我 們 一 向 積 極 支 持 房 屋
                 a healthy and robust housing industry. In   業 界 的 穩 健 發 展。於 二 零
                 2017/18 we again demonstrated our support   一七╱一八年度,我們透過
                 through various programmes designed to   多個為培育行業相關人才及
                 nurture industry-related talents and their interest   培 養 其 工 作 興 趣 而 設 的 計
                 in our work.                             劃,再次展示我們對業界的

                 Student Awards                           獎助學金
                 The Hong Kong Housing Society Award (HKHS   「香港房屋協會獎助學金計
                 Award) supports the local housing development   劃」透過向就讀房屋相關學
                 industry by awarding scholarships and bursaries   科有傑出學術表現的學生提
                 to students with outstanding academic    供獎助學金,支持本地房屋
                 performance in housing-related disciplines,   行業發展,同時亦向有需要
                 while also providing financial assistance to those   的學生提供經濟資助。為配
                 in need. Elderly services-related disciplines are   合 長 者 服 務 人 才 需 求 的 上
                 also covered by the scheme, in recognition of   升,該計劃亦涵蓋長者服務
                 the rising demand for young talent in the related   的相關課程。每項獎學金為
                 industries. Each award amounts to HK$8,000.  8,000港元。

                 More than 900 students have benefitted from   多年來,「香港房屋協會獎
                 the HKHS Award since its inception, and the   助學金計劃」惠澤超過900
                 total amount of scholarships and bursaries   名 學 生, 合 計 金 額 已 超 越
                 granted has exceeded HK$5 million.       5ϵຬಥʩ。

                 The 13th Hong Kong Housing Society Award
                 Presentation Ceremony

                                                          香港房屋協會2017/18 年度社會及環保報告   25
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