Page 31 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - Social and Environmental Report 社會及環保報告
P. 31
As we enter our 70 year, we remain steadfast to the mission
and values that have underscored our activities over time, and
to our goal for a sustainable and liveable city.
隨著房協邁進 70 周年,我們仍然堅守多年來的使命及價値觀,以
Our residents and communities are the heart of И˒ʿٟਜ݊גʈЪٙࣨ
our work, and we aspire to be of service in ːfҢࡁҎૐהԶٙਕ
helping to improve the quality of life and sense Ϟпʺ֢͏ٙ͛ݺሯ९ʿ
of community among these groups. In particular, ቮ˼ࡁ࿁ٟਜٙᓥ᙮ชf
we endeavour to build on the success of our ࠦ࿁࠰ಥϼϋɛɹˢଟٙᄣ
programmes for the elderly, in view of the ڗdҢࡁਗ਼ᘱᚃމڗ٫೯࢝
growth rate of Hong Kong’s ageing population. ג܊ࠇྌf
With a view toward constant improvement, we ҢࡁึᘱᚃɢӋҷආdᆽڭ
are committed to ensuring that our ࡈ೯࢝ධͦʿุਕᐄ༶ୌ
developments and business operations meet ΥʿᎴᐑڭᅺfఱϤd
and exceed environmental standards. To this Ңࡁਗ਼ί༟๕ࣖूeಯᄻʿ
end, we will set new targets and implement ၠЍܔጘணࠇഃᇍᖚࠈɨอ
measures to fulfil them, such as in the areas of ͦᅺdԨੂБᏐણ݄Ъ̈
resource efficiency, waste reduction and green ৣΥf
building design.
It is imperative, as a housing solution provider ג܊ྼ᜕܃dגᆀટ
and as Hong Kong’s “housing laboratory”, that աอܠၪdԨΪᏐცࠅϾʔ
we embrace new ideas and adapt our approach ࣛЪ̈ሜd˸ৣΥ࠰ಥ̹
as needed, over time, to best meet the evolving ͏ʔᓙစᜊٙცӋf
needs of Hong Kong people.
As always, we will continue to work closely with ִeุਕྫМeٟਜଡ଼ᔌʿ
the government, our business partners, social Չ˼ܵ΅٫ၡΥЪdʲ
organisations, and other stakeholders to achieve ܔ܊͏ٙଣׂf
our goals in serving Hong Kong’s housing needs.
香港房屋協會2017/18 年度社會及環保報告 29