Page 127 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 127

audited Financial Statements                                                                      125


               StAtEMENt OF COMPREHENSivE iNCOME
               For the year ended 31 March 2019 截至二零一九年三月三十一日止年度

                (in HK$Million)                    (港幣百萬元)                   Note附註         2019        2018
                Income                              收入

                Revenue                             營業收入                         6         1,884.2     1,750.5
                Other income                        其他收入                         7           46.8        44.9

                                                                                           1,931.0     1,795.4

                Expenditure                         支出
                Write back of property development and   物業發展及相關
                  related costs                       成本回撥                                  (58.6)     (249.5)

                Staff costs                         職工成本                                    525.2       492.1
                Property leasing and management expenses  屋宇租賃及管理支出                         655.1       664.2
                Depreciation and amortisation       折舊及攤銷                                   347.0       358.3
                Investment properties impairment/   投資物業減值╱
                  (reversal of impairment)            (減值回撥)                                (24.0)      100.2
                Other expenses                      其他支出                                    253.2       206.0
                Auditor’s remuneration              核數師酬金                                     0.5         0.5

                                                                                           1,698.4     1,571.8

                Surplus before investment income    投資收入前的盈餘                                232.6       223.6

                Investment income                   投資收入                         8
                Investment related financial assets   有關投資的財務資產
                  and liabilities                     及負債
                  — Gain on disposal                  —  出售溢利                               772.9      1,018.2
                  — Increase/(decrease) in fair value    —  公允價值增加╱(減少)                    (736.0)     2,304.6
                Other investment income             其他投資收入                                  815.8       264.8

                                                                                            852.7      3,587.6

                Net surplus and total comprehensive   本年度盈餘淨額及
                  income for the year                 全面收益                                 1,085.3     3,811.2

               The notes on pages 130 to 201 form part of these financial statements.  第130至第201頁的附註屬本財務報表的一

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
   122   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132