Page 130 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 130

128   audited Financial Statements 已審核財務報表

            StAtEMENt OF CASH FlOWS
            For the year ended 31 March 2019 截至二零一九年三月三十一日止年度

             (in HK$Million)                          (港幣百萬元)                             2019       2018
             Cash flows from operating activities      營運活動現金流量

             Cash receipts from tenants                從租客所收取的現金                        2,204.3     2,500.9
             Cash receipts from flat buyers            從樓宇買家所收取的現金                         2.1       285.1
             Cash receipts from property owners        從樓宇業主所收取的現金                        33.6        28.8

             Cash payments for property leasing and management  屋宇租賃及管理的現金支出             (682.9)     (659.6)
             Cash payments for site acquisition        收購土地及發展成本的現金支出                    (984.9)     (622.8)
               and project development
             Cash payments to employees in respect of salaries   員工薪酬及褔利的現金支出            (562.9)     (533.8)
               and other benefits
             Cash payments for social projects         社會項目的現金支出                          (23.0)     (13.4)
             Cash receipts for top up loans granted to flat buyers  貸款提供給樓宇買家所收取的現金       47.9       173.6

             Other cash payments                       其他現金支出                            (184.7)     (58.4)

             Net cash generated from/(used in)         營運活動現金流入╱(流出)淨額
               operating activities                                                      (150.5)    1,100.4

             Cash flows from investing activities      投資活動現金流量
             Interest received                         利息收入                              314.4       210.5
             Dividends received                        股息收入                              228.2       199.1
             Maturity/(placement) of time deposits     定期存款到期╱(置入)                      3,651.5    (1,228.0)
             Payment for development of investment properties  投資物業發展支出                  (121.3)     (287.6)
             Payment for property and equipment        物業及設備支出                            (13.9)     (12.3)

             Payment for investments, net              淨投資支出                             (375.2)   (1,006.0)
             Payment for investment management fees    投資管理費支出                           (114.7)     (108.5)
             Proceeds from sale of property and equipment  出售物業及設備的所得款項                    0.2         0.1

             Net cash generated from/(used in)         投資活動現金流入╱(流出)淨額
               investing activities                                                     3,569.2    (2,232.7)

             Cash used in financing activities         融資活動現金流出
             Repayment of loans from the government    償還政府貸款                             (3.5)       (3.6)

             Net increase/(decrease) in cash           現金及現金等價項目
               and cash equivalents                      增加╱(減少)淨額                      3,415.2    (1,135.9)
             Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April      四月一日現金及現金等價項目結存                   509.0      1,644.9

             Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March     三月三十一日現金及現金等價
                                                         項目結存                           3,924.2      509.0

            The notes on pages 130 to 201 form part of these financial statements.  第130至第201頁的附註屬本財務報表的一

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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