Page 128 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 128

126   audited Financial Statements 已審核財務報表

            StAtEMENt OF FiNANCiAl POSitiON
            For the year ended 31 March 2019 截至二零一九年三月三十一日止年度

             (in HK$Million)                    (港幣百萬元)                   Note 附註         2019       2018
             Non-current assets                  非流動資產

             Investment properties               投資物業                        12         9,530.0     9,755.4
             Property and equipment              物業及設備                       13          285.0       288.8
             Loans receivable                    應收貸款                        14           79.4       131.2

                                                                                        9,894.4    10,175.4

             Current assets                      流動資產
             Properties under development for sale  作出售用途的發展中物業              15         3,638.7     2,695.3
             Investment related financial assets  有關投資的財務資產                  16        23,959.8    23,121.2

             Loans receivable                    應收貸款                        14           11.1        13.9
             Accounts receivable, prepayments    應收賬項、預付費用及
               and other assets                    其他資產                      17         1,027.1      955.9

             Cash and bank balances              現金及銀行結餘                     18         8,612.7     8,849.0

                                                                                       37,249.4    35,635.3

             Current liabilities                 流動負債
             Accounts payable, sundry deposits   應付賬項、雜項按金及
               and accruals                        應計項目                      19        (1,454.9)   (1,433.9)
             Forward sales deposits received     已收預售樓宇訂金                    20          (648.9)     (648.9)
             Investment related financial liabilities  有關投資的財務負債             16           (45.7)     (68.5)

             Provisions                          準備                          21           (98.1)     (133.6)
             Loans from government               政府貸款                        22           (3.5)       (3.5)

                                                                                       (2,251.1)   (2,288.4)

             Net current assets                  流動資產淨值                                34,998.3    33,346.9

             Non-current liabilities             非流動負債
             Lease income received in advance    預收租金                        19        (1,453.8)   (1,165.2)
             Loans from government               政府貸款                        22           (36.1)     (39.6)

                                                                                       (1,489.9)   (1,204.8)

             Net assets                          資產淨額                                  43,402.8    42,317.5

            The financial statements on pages 125 to 201 were approved by the   載 於 第 125至201頁 的 財 務 報 表 已 於 二 零
            Executive Committee and authorised for issue on 18 July 2019 and are   一九年七月十八日由執行委員會批准及授
            signed on its behalf by:                                    權發放,並由下列委員代簽署:

            Chan Kar-lok (Chairman)                                     陳家樂 (主席)
            K L Wong (Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director)   黃傑龍(行政總裁兼執行總幹事)

            The notes on pages 130 to 201 form part of these financial statements.  第130至第201頁的附註屬本財務報表的一

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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