Page 204 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 204

Five-Year Financial Summary


            A summary of the results and of the assets and liabilities of the Housing   摘自已公布經審核財務報表的房屋協會過
            Society for the last five financial years, as extracted from the published   去五個財政年度的業績及資產及負債概要
            audited financial statements, is set out below:             載列如下:

             (in HK$Million)            (港幣百萬元)                  2019     2018     2017     2016     2015

             Results                     業績
               Income                      收入                  1,931.0   1,795.4  6,087.8  7,028.0  3,087.2
               Expenditure                 支出                  1,698.4   1,571.8  4,888.6  5,251.4  2,322.2
               Investment income/(loss)    投資收入╱(虧損)            852.7    3,587.6  2,004.5   (442.0)  909.1

             Net surplus                 盈餘淨額                  1,085.3   3,811.2  3,203.7  1,334.6  1,674.1

             Assets and liabilities      資產及負債
               Total assets                資產總額               47,143.8  45,810.7  41,482.6  41,775.2  37,814.0
               Total liabilities           負債總額                3,741.0   3,493.2  2,976.3  6,472.6  3,846.0

             Net assets                  資產淨值                 43,402.8  42,317.5  38,506.3  35,302.6  33,968.0

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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