Page 201 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 201


 29.  Segment information (continued)
 The Housing Society’s revenue from external customers from each
 service is set out in note 6 to the financial statements.

 The Housing Society’s revenue from external customers is derived
 solely from its operations in Hong Kong, and the non-current assets
 of the Housing Society are located in Hong Kong.

 During the years ended 31 March 2019 and 2018, no revenue from
 transactions with a single external customer amounted to 10% or
 more of the Housing Society’s total revenue.

 Segment information about these businesses, which is prepared in
 accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the financial
 statements, is presented below:

 2019  二零一九年  Reportable Segments須列報分部                                              Reconciliation對數調整
                                                                    Reportable    for corporate
 Property sales  Property leasing  Investments  Social projects  Other operations  segment totals  functions  Totals
 (in HK$Million)  (港幣百萬元)  物業出售  物業租賃  投資  社會項目        其他營運 須列報的分部總額              企業功能調整                總額

 Revenue from external parties  外來總收入  –  1,860.6  –  –   23.6         1,884.2             –          1,884.2
 Other income  其他收入  12.4  19.7  0.2        3.9           10.2            46.4            0.4           46.8
 Net investment gain  淨投資溢利  –  –  852.7      –              –           852.7             –           852.7
 Net surplus/(deficit) for the year  本年度淨盈餘╱(虧損)  3.1  505.0  734.6  (95.6)  16.0  1,163.1  (77.8)    1,085.3
 Interest income  利息收入  –  –  318.4           –            4.7           323.1             –           323.1
 Depreciation on property and equipment  物業及設備折舊  1.8  9.9  0.1  0.1  –   11.9            9.4           21.3

 Depreciation on investment properties  投資物業折舊  –  325.7  –  –  –        325.7             –           325.7
 Investment properties reversal of impairment  投資物業減值回撥  –  (24.0)  –  –  –  (24.0)        –            (24.0)
 Expenditures for non-current assets  非流動資產支出  0.7  79.5  –  –  –         80.2           14.0           94.2
 Total assets  總資產  4,334.5  9,600.9  32,849.3  18.5      73.5        46,876.7          267.1        47,143.8

 Total liabilities  總負債  1,220.1  1,941.4  451.2  29.6     0.1         3,642.4           98.6         3,741.0
 Cash inflows/(outflows) from:  現金流入╱(流出)來自:
   Operating activities    營運活動  (1,118.5)  1,179.1  (9.1)  (91.8)  84.8  44.5         (195.0)         (150.5)
   Investing activities    投資活動  1.3  (124.6)  3,704.2  0.1  –         3,581.0          (11.8)        3,569.2

   Financing activities    融資活動  –  –  –      –              –              –            (3.5)           (3.5)

 Total  總額  (1,117.2)  1,054.5  3,695.1   (91.7)          84.8         3,625.5         (210.3)        3,415.2

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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