Page 199 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 199


               29.  Segment information                                    29.  分部資料

                    The Housing Society’s reportable segments are strategic business   分部資料主要是以房屋協會的各種商
                    units that offer different products and services, and managed   品及服務的策略業務個體分類而擬
                    separately based on required professional knowledge and strategies.   備。各項業務所須的專業知識及策略
                    All assets and customers are located in Hong Kong. Types of products   不同,所以是獨立管理。所有資產及
                    and services are set out below:                             客戶均在香港。下列為各種商品及服

                    Property sales   Develop properties for sales               物業出售       發展物業作出售用途

                    Property leasing  Lease and manage own properties, including   物業租賃    出 租 及 管 理 自 資 物 業
                                     subsidised rental flats, commercial premises          包括資助住宅、商鋪及
                                     and carparks                                          車場

                    Investments      Invest in security markets and time deposits to   投資  買 賣 證 券 及 債 券 及 定
                                     preserve the value of capital                         期 存 款 以 保 存 資 本 的

                    Social projects  Provide property management and repair     社會項目       提 供 樓 宇 管 理 及 維 修
                                     incentives, promote proper building                   資助、推廣妥善樓宇管
                                     management and maintenance concept, and               理及維修的意識、承擔
                                     take on city beautification/revitalisation            城市美化及活化項目

                    Other operations  Provide building management service to    其他營運       向 私 人 及 公 共 屋 苑 提
                                     private and public housing estates and grant          供 樓 宇 管 理 服 務 及 貸
                                     top up loans to buyers of own- developed              款給自建住宅買家
                                     domestic flats

                    For the purposes of monitoring segment performances and     分部業績監控及其資源分配如下:
                    allocating resources between segments:

                    —   Segment surplus/deficit is determined by aggregating income   —    分部的盈虧乃以各分部的收支
                        earned and expenditure incurred by each segment without     累計,企業管理費用未有分配
                        allocation of corporate administrative expenses. This is the   在內。此亦是主要營運決策者
                        measure reported to the chief operating decision maker (i.e.   (即執行委員會)用以分配資源
                        Executive Committee) for the purposes of resource allocation   及業績評估。
                        and performance assessment.

                    —   All assets are allocated to reportable segments other than   —    除寫字樓及有關批租土地及樓
                        office buildings and related leasehold land and buildings for   宇是用作企業管理外,其他所
                        corporate administrative purposes.                          有資產都按須列報分部分配。

                    —   All liabilities are allocated to reportable segments other than   —    除與企業管理有關的應計費用
                        accrual expenses for central administrative costs.          外,其他所有負債都按須列報

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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