Page 203 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 203


 29.  Segment information (continued)
 Segment information about these businesses, which is prepared in
 accordance with the accounting policies adopted in the financial
 statements, is presented below: (continued)

 2018  二零一八年  Reportable Segments須列報分部                                              Reconciliation對數調整
                                                                    Reportable    for corporate
 Property sales  Property leasing  Investments  Social projects  Other operations  segment totals  functions  Totals
 (in HK$Million)  (港幣百萬元)  物業出售  物業租賃  投資  社會項目        其他營運 須列報的分部總額              企業功能調整                總額
 Revenue from external parties  外來總收入  –  1,720.8  –  –    29.7         1,750.5            –           1,750.5
 Other income  其他收入  23.2  16.0  –          0.8             4.8           44.8            0.1            44.9

 Net investment gain  淨投資溢利  –  –  3,587.6    –              –          3,587.6            –           3,587.6
 Net surplus/(deficit) for the year  本年度淨盈餘╱(虧損)  185.1  250.4  3,469.0  (77.9)  23.7  3,850.3  (39.1)  3,811.2
 Interest income  利息收入  –  –  225.3           –            11.1          236.4             –            236.4
 Depreciation on property and equipment  物業及設備折舊  2.3  11.4  0.3  4.0  –  18.0           13.3            31.3
 Depreciation on investment properties  投資物業折舊  –  327.0  –  –  –        327.0             –            327.0

 Investment properties impairment  投資物業減值  –  100.2  –  –    –           100.2             –            100.2
 Expenditures for non-current assets  非流動資產支出  78.4  56.0  0.1  3.5  –   138.0            3.0           141.0
 Total assets  總資產  3,383.9  9,835.1  32,186.0  25.0      120.7        45,550.7          260.0        45,810.7
 Total liabilities  總負債  1,402.9  1,690.4  251.0  58.0      0.1         3,402.4          90.8          3,493.2

 Cash inflows/(outflows) from:  現金流入╱(流出)來自:
   Operating activities    營運活動  (386.7)  1,523.2  (7.8)  (66.0)  208.1  1,270.8        (170.4)        1,100.4
   Investing activities    投資活動  (0.1)  (293.2)  (1,933.0)  (3.5)  –    (2,229.8)         (2.9)       (2,232.7)
   Financing activities    融資活動  –  –  –      –              –              –             (3.6)          (3.6)

 Total  總額  (386.8)  1,230.0  (1,940.8)    (69.5)         208.1          (959.0)        (176.9)       (1,135.9)

 30.  Comparative figures

 Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to
 current year’s presentation.

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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