Page 114 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 114

A Quarterly Bulletin for HKHS Members was launched in September, to keep Housing Society Members in the loop with business updates, projects’ progress as well as upcoming events.
Furthermore, a digital version of the Bulletin came with the launch of a new mobile app “MyHS” in April 2021, which provides a platform for engagement with Housing Society Members. The app allows Members instant access to the repository of information of the Housing Society, and receive meeting notifications and sign up for events and activities.
Social Media
The official LinkedIn account of the Housing Society was launched in May 2020 to reach the target stakeholders and for image building. As at 31 March, there have been 3,714 followers.
Together with the “Housing Society Community” Facebook Fan Page with 690 posts and a total of 6,107 followers, the official Instagram account “hkhousingsociety” with 388 posts and 4,908 followers as well as its YouTube channel, the Housing Society has successfully driven many more followers and traffic to its social media platforms and been able to effectively disseminate messages to a broader audience.
房協於九月份創刊房協委員季度通訊刊物, 讓房協委員了解業務動態、項目進展及即將 舉行的活動。
此外,房協於二零二一年四月推出一款新的 手機應用程式「MyHS」,該應用程式提供了 一個與房協委員溝通的平台,同時還用於發 布房協委員季刊數碼版。委員可透過該應用 程式實時瀏覽房協資料、接收會議通知及報 名參加活動。
房協於二零二零年五月推出LinkedIn官方 賬戶,以接觸目標持份者,塑造房協的良 好形象。截至三月三十一日,該賬戶總共有 三千七百一十四名追隨者。
加上「房協人 • 情 • 味」Facebook粉絲 專頁(六百九十條帖子,合共六千一百 零七名粉絲)、Instagram官方賬戶
「hkhousingsociety」(三百八十八條帖子, 四千九百零八名追隨者)及房協YouTube頻 道,房協的社交媒體平台成功吸引了更多追 隨者和瀏覽量,有效地向更廣泛的受眾傳播 資訊。

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