Page 153 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 153

香港房屋協會 2020/21 年度年報
Updated news and health tips were posted periodically on the dedicated portal at the intranet to raise awareness among staff about the disease and share precautionary measures to maintain personal and environmental hygiene. In order to ensure staff had the necessary resources to protect themselves against the coronavirus, parcels containing anti-epidemic items were distributed at the workplace.
We also offered a range of programmes to support psychological health, such as webinars on stress and anxiety management. Also included was an Employee Assistance Programme in which a service hotline was put in place for staff and their families seeking professional counselling and advisory services.
In light of the pandemic restrictions, a number of staff events and activities were suspended. The 2020 Annual Dinner was cancelled and the lucky draw, which is usually a highlight at the Annual Dinner, was broadcast live from our headquarters.
An Inclusive Environment with Two-Way Communication
In fostering a caring culture, the Housing Society leveraged multiple communication pathways, be it email, intranet, video broadcast or regular chat sessions to connect and engage with the workforce.
The Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, James Chan, who took the helm as CEO in April 2020, opened the door for two- way communication with a session “A Chat with CEO”, where staff members were invited to have a friendly chat with him. This was a continuation and reinforcement of a caring culture as the sessions were meant to foster a relationship that transcends business and duties, facilitating trusted relationships and an inclusive workplace.
房協定期於內聯網專頁上發布最新資訊及健 康貼士,以提高員工對新冠肺炎的認識,同 時分享保持個人及環境衞生的預防措施。為 確保員工有必要的資源保護自身免受新冠病 毒感染,房協向員工派發防疫包。
我們亦提供一系列保持心理健康的活動,例 如關於壓力及焦慮管理的網絡研討會。房協 亦設立僱員援助計劃的服務熱線,以便員工 及其家屬尋求專業輔導及諮詢服務。
由於疫情所限,若干員工活動暫停。我們取 消了二零二零年周年晚宴,而周年晚宴的抽 獎活動則改於總部直播進行。
在營造關懷文化的過程中,房協利用電郵、 內聯網、視頻廣播或定期談話等多種溝通途 徑與員工建立緊密聯繫。
於二零二零年四月就任的行政總裁兼執行董 事陳欽勉透過「與CEO暢談」環節邀請員工進 行互動交談,以開啟雙向溝通之門,貫徹及 進一步加強關懷文化。這些交談會旨在培養 業務及工作以外的友善關係,從而建立互信 及包容的工作間。

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