Page 154 - 香港房屋協會 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2020/2021
P. 154
In an effort to help employees to feel better and remain motivated in stressful times, goodwill messages from the CEO and the Directorate, conveying thanks and appreciation for their commitment and hard work, as well as reminding them to take time off to avoid burnout, were filmed and communicated to the workforce by email and broadcast over the LED display in the headquarters’ lobby.
In addition, arrangements were made for employees to carry their leave forward at the height of the pandemic, taking into consideration that employees may not be able to take leave already booked while adjusting to the new ways of working.
Supporting Work-life Balance
As an organisation with a strong commitment to work-life balance, more emphasis was placed on coping with stress and anxiety during the pandemic. Three Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) – veteran broadcasters Akina Fong and Dr Li Chan Wing, as well as Paralympic gold-medalist Yu Chui Yee were invited to give a luncheon webinar on how to develop a positive attitude and optimistic outlook.
In lieu of Family Fun Day, which was suspended due to social distancing measures, festival coupons were provided to staff members to purchase their favourite festive foods and gifts to celebrate Lunar New Year festival with their family members. A total of 3,500 sets of coupons were provided to 1,500 staff and their family members.
為幫助員工緩解壓力,保持工作幹勁,行政 總裁及總監團隊更錄製關懷問候視頻,並 通過電郵及總部大堂的LED顯示屏傳達給員 工,對他們的付出及辛勤工作表示感激及讚 賞,提醒他們勞逸結合,避免過勞。
此外,考慮到僱員可能在適應新工作方式的 同時無法按計劃休假,房協作出安排,令僱 員在疫情最嚴重時能夠延後休假。
房協致力於實現工作與生活平衡,於新冠肺 炎疫情期間,更加重視應對壓力及焦慮。三 位名嘴(KOL)— 資深主播方健儀及李燦榮博 士,以及殘奧會金牌得主余翠怡應邀就如何 培養積極樂觀的態度舉行午餐網絡研討會。
為取代因社交隔離措施而暫停的「家庭同樂 日」,房協向員工發放節日優惠券,員工可購 買自己喜愛的節日食物及禮品,與家人一同 慶祝農曆新年。房協向一千五百名員工及其 家屬提供了合共三千五百套優惠券。
Staff worked out with a towel in the office.