Page 100 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
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Building on this success, we further strengthened our brand 有見於電視特輯播出後大受歡迎,我們在下
awareness in the second half of the year by partnering with HOY 半年再與HOY TV合力製作一共八集的節目特
TV to produce an additional eight-episode series. Inspired by the 輯,進一步鞏固房協的品牌知名度。節目靈
award-winning 75 Anniversary Commemorative Storybook that 感源自早前獲獎的房協七十五周年紀念特刊
features 75 interesting stories about the Housing Society, this 《家.緣》,當中講述了七十五個房協的有趣
programme showcased our significant ties and contributions 小故事。在節目中,我們邀請政府官員、街
from the unique voices of various stakeholders, including the 坊商戶、新舊住戶及盡心服務的房協員工等
Government, neighbourhood shop tenants, our residential 不同的持份者現身說法,細訴他們與房協之
tenants from the past and present and our dedicated staff. 間的獨特連繫故事,以及房協的各種貢獻。
Premiered in November and December 2023, the programme 節目於二零二三年十一月至十二月期間播
also re-ran on MTR in-train TVs, catching the eye of hundreds of 出,並在港鐵車廂電視上重播,讓全港數十
thousands of passengers and audiences across Hong Kong. 萬乘客和觀眾一同觀賞。
social Media 社交媒體
Recognising the vitality of the digital sphere, we have curated 房協深明數碼媒體的重要性,積極活躍
our presence across five key social media platforms: Facebook, 於五個主要社交媒體平台 — Facebook 、
Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and WeChat. Through engaging Instagram、YouTube、LinkedIn和微信。
content and targeted campaigns, we have brought our brand 透過不同互動內容及主題活動令房協的品牌
to life, attracting a wealth of new followers, and boosting our 更加深入人心,成功吸引大量新用戶追蹤訂
brand’s visibility. 閱,提升品牌知名度。
Strategic initiatives, including the successful social media 我們亦積極進行多項策略性宣傳工作,包括
cam paign co mmemo ratin g o ur 75 an nivers ary an d 成功推出房協七十五周年紀念慶祝活動的社
collaborations with prominent influencers, have amplified 交媒體宣傳計劃,以及與著名網紅合作,均
our impact and engagement across platforms. These efforts 成功令房協在各平台展現更大效果和更多互
have significantly boosted our reach and garnered remarkable 動。這些推廣工作大幅擴闊我們的受眾層
traction. 面,令房協品牌得到廣泛關注。
98 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報 99