Page 130 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 130

The Housing Society has partnered with the Environmental    房協聯同環境保護署於出租屋邨推廣減廢回
            Protection Department to promote waste reduction and recycling   收,當中包括舉辦各項教育及互動活動,例
            at rental residences. This includes organising educational and   如與職業訓練局轄下香港專業教育學院的學
            interactive activities, such as game booths with the support of   生合作,透過攤位遊戲提高居民對廢物分類
            students from the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education   重要性的意識。截至二零二四年三月三十一
            under the Vocational Training Council, to raise awareness about   日,我們已在觀龍樓等三個出租屋邨放置五
            the importance of waste segregation. As of 31 March 2024,   個智能廚餘回收桶。另外,滿樂大廈安寧樓
            five smart food waste bins have been installed at three rental   參與政府為期兩個月的都市固體廢物收費先
            estates including Kwun Lung Lau. We have also participated in   行先試計劃,亦是我們其中一項減廢工作。
            the Government’s two-month Municipal Solid Waste Charging
            Demonstration Scheme at On Ning Lau at Moon Lok Dai Ha, as
            part of our waste reduction efforts.

            In addition, our shift towards the integration of renewable   此外,我們積極轉用更多可再生能源。年
            energy is exemplified by the installation of solar PV panel   內,已完成五個出租屋邨的太陽能光伏板安
            systems in five rental estates completed during the year. These   裝工程。這些屋邨隨後已被納入上網電價補
            estates have subsequently been inducted into the Feed-in-Tariff   貼政策。根據政策,在家中安裝太陽能或風
            Scheme, under which people who install solar or wind energy   力發電系統的市民,可以高於一般上網電費
            generation systems at their premises can sell the renewable   水平的價格向電力公司出售他們生產的可再
            energy they generate to the power companies at a rate higher   生能源。這亦是房協逐步改用可再生能源的
            than the normal electricity tariff rate. This move towards   一項創新嘗試,旨在使用更多可持續及低碳
            renewable energy is an innovative step towards the generation of   能源。
            sustainable and low-carbon energy.

            In its ongoing pursuit of energy conservation, the Housing Society   為持續節省能源,房協推行不同措施提升轄
            has implemented measures to boost the energy efficiency of its   下屋邨設施的能源效益。年內其中一項重大
            estate facilities. During the year, one of the significant initiatives   措施是出租屋邨的舊式升降機進行升級,換
            was to upgrade old lifts in the rental estates with new energy-  上使用變壓變頻驅動器、具電力再生功能的
            efficient motors that use Variable Voltage Variable Frequency   新型電動機,提高能源效益。
            drives and have the capability to regenerate power.

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