Page 131 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 131
The Community ESG Programme, a pioneering and the largest 於二零二三年七月一日至十二月三十一日舉
estate-based carbon reduction initiative in Hong Kong, was 行的「萬家減碳FUN獎賞」鑽禧社區計劃為全
conducted from 1 July to 31 December 2023. This six-month 港最大型的創新屋邨減碳計劃。計劃為期六
initiative saw the participation of over 13,000 households across 個月,轄下出租屋邨共有超過一萬三千個家
our rental estates, culminating in the successful reduction 庭參加,成功減少近九十萬公斤的碳排放。
of carbon emissions by nearly 900,000 kilograms. This is a 這項壯舉所減少的碳排放量相等於三萬七千
significant environmental milestone as the achievement is 棵樹木(即維多利亞公園樹木數量的七倍)一
equivalent to the amount of carbon absorbed by 37,000 trees in a 年所吸收的二氧化碳量,是環境保育的一個
year, which is seven times the number of trees in Victoria Park. 重要里程碑。
building a Greener Workplace 締造綠色工作環境
In its pursuit of sustainability, the Housing Society is proactive 為追求可持續發展,房協主動在轄下三個辦
by implementing energy-saving, recycling, and indoor air 事處實施節能、回收及保持室內空氣質素的
quality measures in its three offices. These measures are part 措施,以配合其履行機電工程署「節能約章」
of the Housing Society’s commitment under the Energy Saving 及環境保護署「玻璃容器回收約章」的工作。
Charter and Glass Container Recycling Charter, initiatives by
the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and the
Environmental Protection Department, respectively.
During the year, the Housing Society implemented a board 年內,房協引入董事會管理平台系統
management and portal solution, namely “Convene”, to digitise 「Convene」,將監事會會議程序數碼化。這
the board meeting process. The paperless digital solution 個無紙化數碼平台讓監事會及委員得以隨時
enables Board and Committee Members to securely access 隨地透過平板電腦或網站安全地取得最新的
up-to-date meeting packs through tablets or web, anytime and 會議資料。
To enhance the Housing Society’s management of physical and 為加強房協對紙本及電子檔案的管理,我們
electronic records, a new electronic recordkeeping system 於年內試行全新的電子檔案保管系統,並計
(ERKS) was launched as a pilot during the year. The ERKS will 劃於來年逐步將系統推展至所有部門。這個
be gradually rolled out across all divisions and sections in the 數碼雲端系統提供穩健的保安功能,有助減
following year. This digitised cloud-based system offers robust 低遺失檔案的風險,同時亦能簡化檔案存
security features, mitigating the risk of records loss. It also 取,大幅改善我們的檔案管理能力及營運效
facilitates easier retrieval and significantly improves our record 益。
management capability and operational efficiency.
128 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報 129