Page 198 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 198

2.4  Material accounting policies (continued)               2.4 重大會計政策 (續)

                 Financial liabilities (continued)                          財務負債 (續)

                 subsequent measurement (continued)                         後續計量 (續)
                 (c)  Financial guarantee contracts                         (c)  財務保證合約
                     Financial guarantee contracts issued by the Housing         房屋協會發出之財務保證合約乃
                     Society are those contracts that require a payment          要求發行人付款以償付持有人因
                     to be made to reimburse the holder for a loss it            特定債務人未能根據債務工具條
                     incurs because the specified debtor fails to make a         款償還到期款項而招致損失之合
                     payment when due in accordance with the terms of            約。財務擔保合約初次按公允值
                     a debt instrument. A financial guarantee contract           確認為負債,並就發行擔保直接
                     is recognised initially as a liability at its fair value,   應佔之交易成本作出調整。於初
                     adjusted for transaction costs that are directly            步確認後,房屋協會按:(i)「財務
                     attributable to the issuance of the guarantee.              資產減值」所載政策釐定之預期信
                     Subsequent to initial recognition, the Housing Society      貸虧損撥備;及(ii)初步確認之數
                     measures the financial guarantee contracts at               額減(如適用)累計已確認收入(以
                     the higher of: (i) the ECL allowance determined in          較高者為準),計量財務保證合
                     accordance with the policy as set out in “Impairment        約。
                     of financial assets”; and (ii) the amount initially
                     recognised less, when appropriate, the cumulative
                     amount of income recognised.
                 Derecognition of financial liabilities                     取消確認財務負債

                 Financial liabilities are removed from the Housing Society’s   當財務負債合約之特定責任獲解除、取
                 statement of financial position when the obligation specified   消或到期,該負債會被取消確認及在房
                 in the relevant contract is discharged, cancelled or expires.   屋協會的財務狀況表中被刪除。取消確
                 The difference between the carrying amount of the financial   認之財務負債賬面值與已付代價之差
                 liability derecognised and the consideration paid, including   額,包括任何非現金資產或負債承擔,
                 any non-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed, is   乃於全面收益內確認。
                 recognised in the comprehensive income.
                 offsetting of financial instruments                        抵銷財務工具

                 Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the   當現時存在一項可依法強制執行之權利
                 net amount is reported in the statement of financial position   可抵銷已確認金額,且亦有意以淨額結
                 if there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the   算或同時變現資產及償付債務時,則財
                 recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a   務資產及財務負債可予抵銷,而其淨額
                 net basis, or to realise the assets and settle the liabilities   於財務狀況表內呈報。

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