Page 85 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
P. 85
MEEtINg thE NEEdS Of aN agEINg POPUlatION 關顧樂齡人口所需
To help residents of Blissful Place adapt to the new environment 為協助「豐頤居」住戶適應新環境及擴闊社交
and expand their social network, we strategically paired them 網絡,我們策略地將住戶與鄰近房協出租屋
with their neighbours in Ka Wai Chuen, a rental estate of the 邨家維邨的居民配對成為夥伴,並舉辦各種
Housing Society adjacent to Blissful Place. Various activities and 活動及工作坊,鼓勵他們交流互動,加強兩
workshops were organised to encourage their interaction and 個社區之間的連繫。
strengthen bonding between the two communities.
Jolly Place and Cheerful Court 「樂頤居」及「彩頤居」
Throughout the year, Jolly Place and Cheerful Court consistently 年內,「樂頤居」及「彩頤居」共五百七十六個
achieved full occupancy for their 576 units. These two pioneering 單位的入住率持續爆滿。這兩個創新的長者
elderly projects go beyond just providing housing and skilled care 項目除了提供住屋及專業護理服務外,亦在
services, but also curate a calendar with diverse and tailored 全年不同時間精心策劃各式度身訂造的精彩
activities to actively support residents to age in place comfortably 活動,為住戶創造愉快及舒適的居住環境,
and with dignity in an engaging environment. 讓他們有尊嚴地安享頤年。
Over the past year, a key focus has been on strengthening the 在過去一年,我們的重點加強租戶之間的互
mutual support network among tenants. At Cheerful Court, a 助網絡。我們在「彩頤居」培訓租戶成為大
team of ambassadors was trained to provide neighbourhood 使,為鄰里提供支援,凝聚關懷友愛的氣
support and foster a caring atmosphere. In March 2024, a 氛。二零二四年三月,房協舉行義工嘉許
volunteer recognition ceremony was held to celebrate the 禮,表揚一班熱心義工所作的貢獻。一眾大
contributions of the dedicated volunteer workforce. The 使亦與「房協友里」團隊合作,攜手組織義工
ambassador team also collaborated with the CES Team to 探訪活動,並舉辦運動會及社區導賞等新穎
organise joint volunteer visits, and to introduce novel activities 活動。這些活動為住戶的日常生活增添活力
such as sports games and community guided tours. These 和樂趣,他們的生活空間亦發展成為可持續
initiatives added vibrancy and excitement for the residents, 的長者社區。
making their living space a sustainable elderly cluster.
82 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報 83