Page 86 - Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24
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During the year, a variety of festive events were held to mark 年內,為慶祝「樂頤居」成立二十周年,我們
the 20 anniversary of Jolly Place. The carnival, a highlight of 舉辦了連串的慶祝活動,重頭戲是嘉年華慶
the celebrations, saw active participation from tenants, their 祝活動。活動當日設有不同的攤位遊戲及表
families, and our staff in a range of activities, including booth 演,租戶及其親友,以及房協員工均踴躍參
games and performances. The event reflected the significant 與,合力展示「樂頤居」於過去二十年取得的
progress of Jolly Place over the past two decades, fostering a 重大進展,令所有參加者都深感與有榮焉,
sense of shared achievement and pride among all participants. In 為自己所居住的屋苑感到自豪。此外,「樂頤
addition, the residential care home for the elderly (RCHE) at Jolly 居」的護理安老院舍現正進行全面翻新,希望
Place is currently being transformed through a comprehensive 融入先進的設施與智能科技方案,令院舍的
renovation project with the objective of substantially improving 居住環境更加舒適優雅,從而大幅提升長者
the living experience for the elderly residents by integrating 住戶的居住體驗。
state-of-the-art facilities and smart technology solutions into a
more aesthetically pleasing and comfortable living environment.
sustaining Community Engagement 與社區保持聯繫
The “Happy Silver Club”, initiated by the Housing Society in 房協於二零二二年七月推出「樂活銀齡」會員
July 2022, has been an active force in promoting the concept 計劃,藉此積極推廣居家安老的理念,並加
of ageing in place and reinforcing our brand position in elderly 強我們提供長者房屋服務的品牌形象。計劃
housing services. It has successfully drawn in a diverse group 成功吸引長者、其家人及照顧者等不同人士
of members, including the elderly, their family members, and 加入成為會員。這個計劃的特點包括提供有
caregivers. The club is distinguished by its provision of valuable 關樂齡科技及健康生活等主題的寶貴資訊,
information on topics such as gerontechnology and healthy 亦會舉辦各式各樣的社交及休閒活動,旨在
living. It also offers a variety of social and leisure activities, all 促進會員的身心健康及培養他們對社區的歸
aimed at boosting the well-being of its members and fostering a 屬感。
sense of community.
84 Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2023/24 香港房屋協會 2023/24 年度年報 85