Page 18 - HKHS 香港房屋協會 - Social and Environmental Report 社會及環保報告
P. 18
A safe and happy living environment is fundamental to
ensuring good quality of life. Thus, since its inception, the
Housing Society has sought to provide schemes and
programmes that support positive relationships in
our communities.
Care for the Elderly 關愛長者
Over one third of our rental estate tenants are 超過三分之一居住於房協出
aged 60 or above, of which the percentage will 租屋邨的租戶年逾六十歲,
continue to grow in the coming years. 而相關比率預計於未來將會
For many years we have prioritised housing
schemes, building modifications and community 我們多年來一直針對社會上
services that cater to the needs of our senior 各階層的長者所需,提供不
citizens in all social strata. Since our first tailor- 同的房屋計劃、樓宇改善及
made residence for the senior citizens in 1978, 社區服務。自一九七八年房
and we have continued to pay close attention to 協推出長者居住單位以來,
this important sector of our population. 我們一直致力關顧社會上這
Ageing-in-Place Scheme 「樂得耆所」居家安老計劃
Since the introduction of 「居家安老」是香港政府的重
“ageing-in-place”, a concept 點政策方針之一。房協在推
that is highly prioritised by the 廣這概念的工作上一直採取
Hong Kong Government, the 積極角色。
Housing Society has taken a
leading role in its promotion. 自二零一二年推出「樂得耆
Our Ageing-in-Place (AIP) Scheme, launched in 計劃現已推展至房協轄下全
2012, now extends across all twenty of our rental 部二十個出租屋邨。計劃旨
estates. It is designed to enable older residents 在令長者居民在熟識的環境
to live in a familiar environment. It brings 下生活,並融合區內保健及
together health and social services within the 社會服務。加上為提升長者
community, complementing them with home 家居安全而進行的家居改裝
modifications for enhanced home safety so that 工程,促進長者居民享有較
our older residents may continue living 長的獨立自主的生活。
independently for longer.
16 Hong Kong Housing Society Social and Environmental Report 2017/18