Page 169 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 169
5. Financial risk management objectives and 5. 財務風險管理目標及政策(續)
policies (continued)
(c) Market risk (continued) (c) 市場風險(續)
(i) Foreign exchange risk (continued) (i) 外幣對換風險(續)
Sensitivity analysis 敏感度分析
The following table indicates the instantaneous change 下表顯示於報告期末及於
in the Housing Society’s surplus that would arise if 當日發生之外幣匯率變動
foreign exchange rates to which the Housing Society has 對房屋協會之盈餘之可能
significant exposure at the end of the reporting period 合理變動(假設其他風險
had changed at that date, assuming all other risk 因素維持不變)。
variables remained constant.
2019 2018
Currency Effect on Currency Effect on
strengthened/ surplus for strengthened/ surplus for
weakened by the year weakened by the year
對本年盈餘 對本年盈餘
升值 或貶值 的影響 升值 或貶值 的影響
(in HK$Million) (in HK$Million)
(港幣百萬元) (港幣百萬元)
Euro 歐羅 1% 10.1 1% 12.2
Pound Sterling 英磅 1% 5.6 1% 5.4
Japanese Yen 日元 1% 4.2 1% 2.4
Other currencies 其他貨幣 1% 18.9 1% 18.5
(ii) Price risk (ii) 價格風險
The Housing Society is exposed to price risk arising from 房屋協會面對價格風險是
investment related financial assets and liabilities. This risk 由有關投資的財務資產及
is controlled and monitored by asset allocation limit. 負債,此風險是由資產分
At the end of the reporting period, it is estimated that an 於報告期末,預料有關投
increase/decrease of 1% (2018: 1%) in the market prices 資的財務資產及負債所連
of the investment related financial assets and liabilities, 繫之投資市場價格百分之
with all other variables held constant, would have 一之上升或下跌(二零一八
increased/decreased the Housing Society’s surplus by 年:百分之一)所有其他
approximately HK$239.1 million (2018: HK$230.5 million). 變數保持不變,估計房屋
香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報