Page 170 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 170

168   audited Financial Statements 已審核財務報表

            NOtES tO tHE FiNANCiAl StAtEMENtS

            5.  Financial risk management objectives and                5.  財務風險管理目標及政策(續)

                 policies (continued)
                 (c)  Market risk (continued)                                (c)   市場風險(續)
                     (ii)   Price risk (continued)                                (ii)   價格風險(續)
                          The sensitivity analysis above assumes that the changes     上述敏感度分析乃假設有
                          in the market prices of the investment related financial    關投資的財務資產及負債
                          assets and liabilities or other relevant risk variables had   之投資市場價格或其他相
                          occurred at the end of the reporting period and had         關風險變數於報告期末已
                          been applied to re-measure those investment related         出現變動,並已應用於重
                          financial assets and liabilities held by the Housing Society   新計量房屋協會於報告期
                          which expose the Housing Society to price risk at the       末所持有並使房屋協會面
                          end of the reporting period.                                對股票價格風險之有關投

                     (iii)  interest rate risk                                   (iii)   利率風險

                          The Housing Society’s exposure on cash flow interest        房屋協會的現金流量利率
                          rate risk and fair value interest rate risk mainly arises from   風險及公允值利率風險主
                          its loans receivable and time deposits.                     要 由 應 收 貸 款 和 定 期 存

                          As the time deposits usually mature within one year, the    定期存款通常在一年內到
                          exposure is considered not material. Management of the      期,所以其風險不高。房
                          Housing Society monitors the interest rate profile of       屋協會應收貸款之利率資
                          loans receivable regularly.                                 料由管理層定時監察。

                          Sensitivity analysis                                        敏感度分析

                          At the end of the reporting period, it is assumed that a    於報告期末,假設利率一
                          general increase/decrease of 50 basis points (2018: 50      般增加或減少五十個基點
                          basis points) in interest rates, with all other variables held   (二零一八年:五十個基點)
                          constant, would have increased/decreased the Housing        所有其他變數保持不變,
                          Society’s surplus by approximately HK$43.1 million (2018:   估計房屋協會的盈餘增加
                          HK$44.6 million).                                           或減少約港幣四千三百一十

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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