Page 174 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 174

172   audited Financial Statements 已審核財務報表

            NOtES tO tHE FiNANCiAl StAtEMENtS

            6.  Revenue                                                 6.  營業收入

                  (in HK$Million)                   (港幣百萬元)                               2019       2018
                  Revenue from contract with customers:  來自客戶合同之收益:

                  Revenue from property sales        出售物業的收入                                 –          –
                  Revenue from property management   物業管理收入                               18.9        18.6

                                                                                          18.9        18.6

                  Revenue from other sources:        其他來源收入:
                  Revenue from property leasing      物業租賃收入                             1,860.6     1,720.8
                  Interest income from loans receivable  應收貸款利息收入                          4.7        11.1

                                                                                        1,865.3     1,731.9

                  Total revenue                      總營業收入                              1,884.2     1,750.5

                 (i)   Disaggregated revenue information                     (i)   拆分收入信息
                     For the year ended 31 March 2019                             截至二零一九年三月三十一日

                                                                           Property      Other
                       (in HK$Million)           (港幣百萬元)                      sales  operations      Total
                       Segments                   分部                        物業出售      其他營運           總額

                       Type of goods or services  商品或服務類型
                       Property sales             出售物業                           –           –          –
                       Property management services  物業管理服務                      –        18.9       18.9

                       Total revenue from contracts   來自客戶合同之收益總額
                         with customers                                          –        18.9       18.9

                       Timing of revenue recognition  收入確認時間
                       Property transferred at a point in time 在某個時間點轉移之物業       –           –          –
                       Services transferred over time  隨時間轉移之服務                  –        18.9       18.9

                                                                                 –        18.9       18.9

                     No revenue recognised in the current reporting period was    本報告期內確認的收入未計入
                     included in the forward sales deposits received (i.e. contract   報告期初的已收預售樓宇訂金
                     liabilities) at the beginning of the reporting period and   (合同負債),並按前期履行的
                     recognised from performance obligations satisfied in previous   履約義務確認。

            Hong Kong Housing Society Annual Report 2018/19
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