Page 175 - Hong Kong Housing Society 香港房屋協會 - Annual Report 2019 年報
P. 175


               6.  Revenue (continued)                                     6.  營業收入(續)
                    (ii)  Performance obligations                               (ii)   履約責任
                        Information about the Housing Society’s performance         關於房屋協會履約責任之資料
                        obligations is summarised below:                            概述如下:

                        Revenue from property sales                                 出售物業的收入
                        The performance obligation is satisfied when the respective   履約責任會當個別物業竣工及
                        properties have been completed and delivered to the buyers.  轉讓給買家時成立。

                        Revenue from property management                            物業管理收入
                        The performance obligation is satisfied over time as services   履約責任會隨服務提供而得到
                        are rendered and short-term advances are normally required   履行及在提供服務之前通常需
                        before rendering the services. Management service contracts   要短期預付款。管理服務合同
                        are for periods of one year or less, or are billed based on the   的期限為一年或更短,或根據
                        time incurred.                                              產生的時間計費。

               7.  Other income                                            7.  其他收入

                    Included in other income is a donation from the Hong Kong Jockey   其他收入包含香港賽馬會慈善信託基
                    Club Charities Trust of HK$3.9 million (2018: HK$0.8 million) to fund   金為資助屯門河行人天橋建設而捐獻
                    the construction of a footbridge at Tuen Mun River.         的港幣三百九十萬元(二零一八年:

                                                                                          香港房屋協會 2018/19 年度年報
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